As you can see, the listNearPages field is empty. could you try to republish your content and check again. whenever you add a new property to your document types, always remember to republish the site before the new fields can be used.
You need at least 70 karma points to be able to rate items on
You gain karma points every time you do something constructive, like answering topics on the forum, or starting new ones or publishing your work as a project
Ahh yeah I know that you can't vote yet, but under each answer there's a small green tick that you can click for marking an answer as the solution. You can do this no matter how much karma you've got.
I want to test a True/False typed value
I have an xslt like this.
<xsl:variable name="parentOfCurrentPage" select="$currentPage/parent::*[@isDoc]" />
<xsl:if test="$parentOfCurrentPage/listNearPages = 1">
listNearPages is a True/false property. But I cannot get any value from this.
What is wrong?
Hi Seyfullah
Do you get anything returned if you do like this:
/Kim A
No, I don't.
Could you try outputting this:
And copy in here the content of the textarea.
/Kim A
<xml version="1">
<grouppage id="1104" parentid="1063" level="2" writerid="0" creatorid="0" nodetype="1059"
template="1050" sortorder="5" createdate="2011-02-17T16:26:17" updatedate="2011-03-05T09:21:10"
nodename="" urlname="yallkta-aktif-yaam" writername="admin"
creatorname="admin" path="-1,1063,1104" isdoc="">
<umbracoRedirect />
<listSubPages />
<isListWithPictures />
<listNearPages />
<groupPage id="1239" parentID="1104" level="3" writerID="0" creatorID="0" nodeType="1059" template="1050" sortOrder="5" createDate="2011-03-05T09:17:01" updateDate="2011-03-05T09:21:13"
nodeName="" urlName="goenuellueler" writerName="admin" creatorName="admin" path="-1,1063,1104,1239" isDoc="">
<umbracoRedirect />
<listSubPages />
<isListWithPictures />
<listNearPages />
<umbracoNaviHide />
<umbTextpage id="1126" parentID="1239" level="4" writerID="0" creatorID="0" nodeType="1061" template="1221" sortOrder="1" createDate="2011-02-17T17:13:10" updateDate="2011-03-05T09:21:14"
nodeName="" urlName="umut-koepruesue" writerName="admin" creatorName="admin" path="-1,1063,1104,1239,1126" isDoc="">
<introducerPicture />
Ahh now it makes sense.
As you can see, the listNearPages field is empty. could you try to republish your content and check again. whenever you add a new property to your document types, always remember to republish the site before the new fields can be used.
/Kim A
Ok. Thanks.
xsl:copy-of is very usefull.
Yes, it's very powerfull in some situations :)
Did you get your problem solved then?
/Kim A
Yes, it is solved.
Thank you :)
Great to hear Seyfullah.
If you could mark one of the answers as the solution, it would be great :)
/Kim A
I would mark but I can't do that for now :(
Because I don't have enough Karma. :(
You cannot vote yet
You need at least 70 karma points to be able to rate items on
You gain karma points every time you do something constructive, like answering topics on the forum, or starting new ones or publishing your work as a project
Ahh yeah I know that you can't vote yet, but under each answer there's a small green tick that you can click for marking an answer as the solution. You can do this no matter how much karma you've got.
/Kim A
Ok, I have seen it at last, it is too small to see :)
is working on a reply...