If front end, you can use the membership api to return all members that have a specific role (=membergroup)
If backend, I'm afraid there's no package except for the built-in member picker datatype, which unfortunately lists all members, regardless of their roles. But it shouldn't be a big issue to create a datatype similar to the built-in one to list all members with a specific role. (Can even use a configuration so the role can be selected when creating a datatype)
Thanx for the advice, but my .NET skills are more or less none existing, hence the XSLT group ;) I was hoping for some kinda Member Group Picker that would give me the XML structure for the members in the selected group.
well not really understanding exactly what you want, i went ahead and clicked on the projects link. Then i clicked on the browsing the projects tag cloud. i saw these packages, maybe they're what you need...
How do I get the member structure ?
On a page I need to show members of a certain group.
What kind of datatype / package can I use for this scenario ?
Backend? Frontend?
If front end, you can use the membership api to return all members that have a specific role (=membergroup)
If backend, I'm afraid there's no package except for the built-in member picker datatype, which unfortunately lists all members, regardless of their roles. But it shouldn't be a big issue to create a datatype similar to the built-in one to list all members with a specific role. (Can even use a configuration so the role can be selected when creating a datatype)
Hi Dirk
Thanx for the advice, but my .NET skills are more or less none existing, hence the XSLT group ;)
I was hoping for some kinda Member Group Picker that would give me the XML structure for the members in the selected group.
// Sebastian
well not really understanding exactly what you want, i went ahead and clicked on the projects link. Then i clicked on the browsing the projects tag cloud. i saw these packages, maybe they're what you need...
Both seem to show members of a certain group
is working on a reply...