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  • praveity 100 posts 125 karma points
    Apr 26, 2011 @ 13:26

    XsltSearch: Get the $matchnodes of specific documentTypes only

    Hi to all,

    I have been working with the XsltSearch package. I could see that the variable $matchnodes have @id, @nodeType, @level, @parentID and many othe properties.

    I need to modify it to get the matchnodes of only certain document type.

    I tried: 

    <xsl:when test ="umbraco.library:GetXmlNodeById($matchedNodes/@id)/SC_ServicesPage[@isDoc] ">
    <!--  your code here -->

    This is not working at all. Also I tried to make it like this.

    <xsl:when test ="$matchedNodes/@nodeType = 1193">

    But this will not result in node-set. :)

  • Sebastiaan Janssen 5061 posts 15523 karma points MVP admin hq
    Apr 26, 2011 @ 13:42
    Sebastiaan Janssen

    I usually do this at the "possibleNodes" variable, here's an example of one of my sites:

        <xsl:variable name="possibleNodes" select="$items/descendant-or-self::*[
                                 and string(umbracoNaviHide) != '1'
                                 and count(attribute::id)=1 
                                 and (umbraco.library:IsProtected(@id, @path) = false()
                                  or umbraco.library:HasAccess(@id, @path) = true())
                                 and (
                                        local-name() = 'Article'
                                        or local-name() = 'TextPage'
  • praveity 100 posts 125 karma points
    Apr 26, 2011 @ 14:01

    Hi Sebastiaan, 

    the way you are filtering will result the selection of all nodes that are of type 'Article' or 'TextPage' only. But in my scenario, I have to managed to changed the selection of the different source node to search based on the input radio button. The only thing is that I need is to check if the matchednodes are of "SC_ServicesPage" doctype or not and then make an anchor on it with querystring while for other matched nodes it will be  anchor with no querysting.


  • rich hamilton 117 posts 136 karma points
    Apr 12, 2012 @ 14:08
    rich hamilton

    Sebastian, I tried this aswell and it still returned all nodes.


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