Well you can do it by using the same steps. That is create a document type Folder and then New Items. In the News Items just define the fields you might be needing usually its title, summary, img upload and you can also add a date picker.
For the XSLT you can make a Changeable source but it depends on where you want your news items to be viewable.
Hi trie what you said and i think it´s working but i have a doubt, like in the example of photo i see in the doc type galery all the photos (thumbnails), I was expecting with the news to will see all the news?
My steps was.
1.Create a doc type New - type richtexteditor (New)
2.Create a doc type with template - type folder browser (NewsGalery)
3.in NewsGalery create the structure to Allowed child nodetypes to News
4.in NewsGalery template i choose my master template
5.Create a xslt NewsGalery from list sub pages from current pages. I modified it, i remove the ul and li stuff for this
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/* [@isDoc and string(umbracoNaviHide) != '1']"> <div>
2. Create another documentType NewsItems and from there you create the number of Tabs under which you can add all the fields you need e.g Title, description etc..
3. You also need to associate those documentType (go back to the docType News > Structure (Allowed child nodetypes) checked the NewsItems docType
4. Then you carry on with your XSLT
5. From your Content Node you should get this structure
- Domain
-- News
--- NewsItems 1
--- NewsItems 2
--- NewsItems 3
In your Document Type NewsItems you can add as much fields you want to.
I tried like you said, but it doesn´t work for me, maybe i am doing something wrong. Nevermind, i will stay with my first aproach in my previous post, it work for me and i can live with that. But thanks anyway for helping me.
Very apreciate.
P.S. Your explanation was right, It was my mistake, now it´s working like you say. Thanks
Howto Create a galery of news
Hi everyone again.
I saw the video of Building Great Websites Fast using Umbraco, an Open Source ASP.NET CMS
http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/Europe/2010/WEB204, super video.
I like the ideia of the photo gallery,
1.Photo - Doc type - Upload
2.Gallery - Doc Type - folder browser
3.And then hacking lol the xslt list sub pages from current page.
but know i would like to do the same but with news (something of
what will be the step, what type of document type would i choose and what about the xslt.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Nicky,
Well you can do it by using the same steps. That is create a document type Folder and then New Items. In the News Items just define the fields you might be needing usually its title, summary, img upload and you can also add a date picker.
For the XSLT you can make a Changeable source but it depends on where you want your news items to be viewable.
Hi fuji.
Hi trie what you said and i think it´s working but i have a doubt, like in the example of photo i see in the doc type galery all the photos (thumbnails), I was expecting with the news to will see all the news?
My steps was.
1.Create a doc type New - type richtexteditor (New)
2.Create a doc type with template - type folder browser (NewsGalery)
3.in NewsGalery create the structure to Allowed child nodetypes to News
4.in NewsGalery template i choose my master template
5.Create a xslt NewsGalery from list sub pages from current pages. I modified it, i remove the ul and li stuff for this
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/* [@isDoc and string(umbracoNaviHide) != '1']">
<xsl:value-of select="new" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
6.Create in the content a page New Galery from the doc type NewsGalery
7.From this page create a page from doc type new 3 news.
8.I publish and i see all my news, correctly in the web.
But like i said , i would like to see in NewsGalery all the news
NewsGalery -----> see here all the news
How can i do that?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Nick,
So far are you trying to make a news list with and image gallery in it? or you are trying to make 2 different listing? News and Gallery?
Try this instead..
1. Create a docType News
2. Create another documentType NewsItems and from there you create the number of Tabs under which you can add all the fields you need e.g Title, description etc..
3. You also need to associate those documentType (go back to the docType News > Structure (Allowed child nodetypes) checked the NewsItems docType
4. Then you carry on with your XSLT
5. From your Content Node you should get this structure
- Domain
-- News
--- NewsItems 1
--- NewsItems 2
--- NewsItems 3
In your Document Type NewsItems you can add as much fields you want to.
Hi Fuji.
I tried like you said, but it doesn´t work for me, maybe i am doing something wrong. Nevermind, i will stay with my first aproach in my previous post, it work for me and i can live with that. But thanks anyway for helping me.
Very apreciate.
P.S. Your explanation was right, It was my mistake, now it´s working like you say. Thanks
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