I am trying to format a date from the @createDate attribute in my navigation template and I cannot see why it won't let me save the XSLT. Here is the code:
Error in XSLT at line 51, char 19 49: <xsl:choose> 50: <xsl:when test="@level = 4 and (self::uBlogsyFolderMonth | self::umbracoBlogDateFolder | self::DateFolder)"> 51: >>> <xsl:value-of select="umbraco.library:FormatDateTime('@createDate', 'MMMM')" /> <<< 52: </xsl:when> 53: <xsl:otherwise>
I can change it to just
<xsl:value-of select="@createDate" />
and there isnt a problem. I really can't work this one out, I'v tried a hundred different conbinations but it has got to be a single rogue character somewhere...? Any ideas?
Hey, thanks for the reply. I have tried that, even tried 'yyyy'. I also saw the apostrophe's after posting this message but I cannot edit the post but just left it. Removing them dosnt fix it either.
in the above it does the same thing. Even when I paste the whole code into the live version of the website in a new unused xslt file it does not save. even when I hard code the date and put it right at the top of the xslt file next to the html it fails. :/
Solved it. Earlier I postd the script on the forums because I was having another problem and when I copied and pasted it back the <xsl:stylesheet> tag attributes were incomplete, i.e. xslt was not loading the required libraries to process the date namespaces. I just copied and pasted the very top declarations of the xslt sheet from the default that umbraco gives with new xslt files and it worked.
umbraco.library:FormatDatetime in XSLT template
Hi all
I am trying to format a date from the @createDate attribute in my navigation template and I cannot see why it won't let me save the XSLT. Here is the code:
The error message is:
Error occured
Error in XSLT at line 51, char 19
49: <xsl:choose>
50: <xsl:when test="@level = 4 and (self::uBlogsyFolderMonth | self::umbracoBlogDateFolder | self::DateFolder)">
51: >>> <xsl:value-of select="umbraco.library:FormatDateTime('@createDate', 'MMMM')" /> <<<
52: </xsl:when>
53: <xsl:otherwise>
I can change it to just
and there isnt a problem. I really can't work this one out, I'v tried a hundred different conbinations but it has got to be a single rogue character somewhere...? Any ideas?
Note: the above code is a trimmed down version, hence the error message showing slightly different code.
Hi Max,
Have you tried with just 'MM' ? :-) You may have an M too many there.
Edit: Also, I think you should be able to skip the apostrophes around @createDate :-)
Hey, thanks for the reply. I have tried that, even tried 'yyyy'. I also saw the apostrophe's after posting this message but I cannot edit the post but just left it. Removing them dosnt fix it either.
<xsl:value-of select="umbraco.library:FormatDateTime(@createDate, 'yyyy')" />
MMMM is valid - http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Umbraco/Reference/umbraco.library/FormatDateTime
Any other ideas?
Another attempt:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [
<!ENTITY nbsp "
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
<xsl:param name="currentPage" />
<xsl:variable name="level" select="1" />
<xsl:variable name="navRoot" select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::*[@level = $level][not(umbracoNaviHide = 1)]" />
<xsl:variable name="navRootItems" select="$navRoot/*[@isDoc][not(umbracoNaviHide = 1)]" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<div class="navtree">
<table cellspacing="0">
<td id="navleft" />
<td id="navcentre">
<xsl:if test="$currentPage/@nodeName = 'Home'"><xsl:attribute name="class">current</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
<a href="/">Home</a>
<xsl:if test="$navRootItems">
<ul id="treemenu1">
<xsl:apply-templates select="$navRootItems" />
<td id="navright" />
<xsl:template match="*[@isDoc]">
<xsl:if test="@id = $currentPage/@id"><xsl:attribute name="class">current</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
<a href="{umb:NiceUrl(@id)}">
<xsl:when test="@level = 4 and (self::uBlogsyFolderMonth | self::umbracoBlogDateFolder | self::DateFolder)">
<xsl:call-template name="niceDate">
<xsl:with-param name="date" select="@createDate" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="@nodeName" />
<xsl:if test="*[@isDoc][not(umbracoNaviHide = 1)][not((self::uBlogsyFolderMonth | self::umbracoBlogDateFolder | self::DateFolder)[@level = 5])]">
<xsl:apply-templates select="*[@isDoc][not(umbracoNaviHide = 1)][not((self::uBlogsyFolderMonth | self::umbracoBlogDateFolder | self::DateFolder)[@level = 5])]" />
<xsl:template match="@nodeName[string-length() > 25]">
<xsl:attribute name="title">
<xsl:value-of select="." />
<xsl:value-of select="concat(substring(., 1, 24), '…')" />
<xsl:template name="niceDate">
<xsl:param name="date" />
<xsl:value-of select="umbraco.library:FormatDateTime($date, 'MMMM')" />
Same error.. this has REALLY stumped me. Even when I use
<xsl:value-of select="Exslt.ExsltDatesAndTimes:formatdate($date, 'd')"/>
in the above it does the same thing. Even when I paste the whole code into the live version of the website in a new unused xslt file it does not save. even when I hard code the date and put it right at the top of the xslt file next to the html it fails. :/
Solved it. Earlier I postd the script on the forums because I was having another problem and when I copied and pasted it back the <xsl:stylesheet> tag attributes were incomplete, i.e. xslt was not loading the required libraries to process the date namespaces. I just copied and pasted the very top declarations of the xslt sheet from the default that umbraco gives with new xslt files and it worked.
This is what it should have been:
exclude-result-prefixes="msxml umbraco.library">
Thanks for the help :)
is working on a reply...