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  • Kasper Dyrvig 246 posts 379 karma points
    Sep 08, 2011 @ 07:27
    Kasper Dyrvig

    Insert xpath parameter but only if querystring not equal nothing or "all"

    Maybe someone has asked this before, but I don't know what to search for. I want to create a for-each loop. But if the querystring "sortCountry" is not equal to nothing or to "all" then the for-each loop must find only the specifired countries. Does that make sence?

    I'll demonstrate... This is code to be fired if the sortCountry != '' or sortCountry != 'all':

    <xsl:for-each select="umbraco.library:GetXmlDocumentByUrl($productFeedUrl, 3600)//Product [Country = umbraco.library:RequestQueryString('sortCountry')]">
      <!-- Something funny happens -->


    <xsl:for-each select="umbraco.library:GetXmlDocumentByUrl($productFeedUrl, 3600)//Product">
      <!-- Something less funny happens -->

    Well, I kind of answared my own question here... I could use a choose. Let me hear your suggestions. Thanks

  • Fuji Kusaka 2203 posts 4220 karma points
    Sep 08, 2011 @ 08:46
    Fuji Kusaka

    Hi kasper you could do something like

    <xsl:for-eachselect="umbraco.library:GetXmlDocumentByUrl($productFeedUrl, 3600)//Product [Country = umbraco.library:RequestQueryString('sortCountry')]">
    <!-- Something funny happens -->
          <xsl:when test="sortCountry != ''">
        <!-- Something Else will happpen -->
  • Kasper Dyrvig 246 posts 379 karma points
    Sep 08, 2011 @ 11:24
    Kasper Dyrvig

    Hm... that dosen't make much sense to me. You suggest I loop thrugh the products WITH the parameter and inside the loop tells what to do WITHOUT the parameter...?

    Is there a way to add a parameter to the for-each if sortCountry contains something?

  • Fuji Kusaka 2203 posts 4220 karma points
    Sep 08, 2011 @ 11:30
    Fuji Kusaka

    Sorry what i wanted to suggest you was to choose make something like


          <xsl:whentest="sortCountry != ''">
                   <!-- somthing funny happens -->  
    <!-- Here you could also call a template where you will have your loop -->
        <!-- Something Less Funny happpens -->
    <!-- another template where you will have another loop -->    
  • Chriztian Steinmeier 2800 posts 8791 karma points MVP 8x admin c-trib
    Sep 08, 2011 @ 11:46
    Chriztian Steinmeier

    Hi Kasper,

    The best way to test stuff like this is with the normalize-space() function:

    <!-- Grab the query param -->
    <xsl:variable name="sortCountry" select="umbraco.library:RequestQueryString('sortCountry')" />
    <!-- Fetch the products -->
    <xsl:variable name="products" select="umbraco.library:GetXmlDocumentByUrl($productFeedUrl, 3600)//Product" />
    <xsl:template match="/">
            <xsl:when test="normalize-space($sortCountry) and not($sortCountry = 'all')">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="$products[Country = $sortCountry]" />
                <xsl:apply-templates select="$products" />
    <!-- Template for a Product -->
    <xsl:template match="Product">
        <!-- Do something -->

    Also, take note of how to reduce duplication by using variables for intermediate steps...


  • Kasper Dyrvig 246 posts 379 karma points
    Sep 09, 2011 @ 09:00
    Kasper Dyrvig

    Hi Chriztian

    Good point with the variables.

    Just to be sure of what normalize-space() does... if the variable contains let say: " this     little test text  ", will it then remove the spaces completely ("thislittletesttext") or just the spaces that isn't needed ("this little test text")?

  • Chriztian Steinmeier 2800 posts 8791 karma points MVP 8x admin c-trib
    Sep 09, 2011 @ 09:12
    Chriztian Steinmeier

    Hi Kasper,

    normalize-space() removes leading and trailing whitespace, and converts runs of whitespace into a single space - imagine this:

    <bodyText>    Here I am
    so for       the   demoing issue...
    we can say.

    Then normalize-space(bodyText) would give you:

    "Here I am so for the demoing issue... we can say."

    Which is excellent for use in e.g. HTML attributes.

    If the string starts as only whitespace, normalize-space() will return an empty string - and when you perform a test="" in XSLT the result will be sent through the boolean() function - and boolean(EMPTY STRING HERE) will return false(), so I've found it to be the best way to test if an element (or a variable) actually contains something.

    (I know that was a way longer answer than necessary - hope it helps, though :-)


  • Kasper Dyrvig 246 posts 379 karma points
    Sep 09, 2011 @ 09:19
    Kasper Dyrvig

    It stands very clear for me now ;-)

    Thanks for you both for your responses. Have a nice day

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