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  • Sebastiaan Janssen 5058 posts 15520 karma points MVP admin hq
    Jun 28, 2009 @ 17:26
    Sebastiaan Janssen

    BlogRSS not working when moving blog in the content tree

    I've been using the excellent Blog4Umbraco package, but when I change around some content, the RSS feed stops working.

    In this set-up, it IS working:

     - Home
      - Blog

    But in this set-up it's not:

      - Home
      - Blog

    So now Blog is on the same level as home and it's giving me nothing. What am I doing wrong?

    I'm quite sure the problem lies in this piece of XSLT:
            <xsl:apply-templates select="$currentPage//node [@nodeTypeAlias = 'BlogPost']">

    I already left our $currentPage, but that doesn't seem to help.
    I'm not such an XSLT star, so I'm hoping for some help here..


  • Michael Kearney (banned) 6 posts -33 karma points
    Jun 28, 2009 @ 19:15
    Michael Kearney (banned)

    Right click content  - while - "managing hostnames" LOL The repair is costly and stays in umbraco cache. Especially if you are faint of heart. LOL You can then click "Re-publish entire site" to update the cache.


  • Jesper Ordrup 1019 posts 1528 karma points MVP
    Jun 28, 2009 @ 19:36
    Jesper Ordrup

    Hi Sebastiaan,



    $currentPage/ancestor-or-self::node [@level=1]//node[@nodeTypeAlias = 'BlogPost']


    There's probably an easier one, but this works for me.


  • Sebastiaan Janssen 5058 posts 15520 karma points MVP admin hq
    Jun 28, 2009 @ 21:52
    Sebastiaan Janssen

    Tried that already Michael, no luck.

    Jesper: yes, that did the trick! I was so close myself, must have made a typo somewhere :(

    I notice this is also working when you leave out the level:$currentPage</span><span class="pun">/</span><span class="pln">ancestor</span><span class="pun">-</span><span class="kwd">or</span><span class="pun">-</span><span class="kwd">self</span><span class="pun">::</span><span class="pln">node </span><span class="pun"></span><span class="com">//node[@nodeTypeAlias = 'BlogPost']</span><span class="pln">

  • Sebastiaan Janssen 5058 posts 15520 karma points MVP admin hq
    Jun 28, 2009 @ 21:53
    Sebastiaan Janssen

    Whoah, where's the "Edit" button? ;-)

    $currentPage/ancestor-or-self::node //node[@nodeTypeAlias = 'BlogPost']
  • Paul Gibson 4 posts 23 karma points
    Aug 16, 2009 @ 02:44
    Paul Gibson


    I am getting similar issues and the above fixes are not working.  The following error is generated in Firefox when you click on the RSS link;

    XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity
    Line Number 2, Column 2:    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rssdatehelper="urn:rssdatehelper"><channel><title>Audacious Blog</title><link></link><pubDate></pubDate><generator>umbraco</generator><description>Business and Personal comments from Paul Gibson</description><language>en</language><item><title>third post</title><link></link><pubDate>Sun, 26 Jul 2009 16:22:48 GMT</pubDate><guid></guid><content:encoded><![CDATA[

    Any similar errors experienced? issue seems to be <![CDATA[       --------^


  • Chris Koiak 700 posts 2626 karma points
    Aug 16, 2009 @ 10:17
    Chris Koiak

    Hi Paul,

    Your issue is a different problem and in the future you will propably get more responses if you start a new topic.

    Check the raw xml generated, you can do this by opening the url in VS, Textpad, etc. I would guess that the template has whitespace before the xml declaration. Try removing the whitespace that precedes the macro in the template.

    Does the same error occur in FF and IE?

    If this isn't the error, you could start a new topic and post the full generated xml file.


  • Paul Gibson 4 posts 23 karma points
    Aug 16, 2009 @ 10:33
    Paul Gibson

    Hey Chris

    Thanks a lot, I did have whitespace.  I didn't even notice that I had put in a return in the template. 

    Issue resolved.  btw, the issue was occuring in all browsers. 


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