I want to display only the child nodes with the checkbox value "Technology" selected, value 252 in my checkbox list.
I have two macros, one that displays thumbnails of the child nodes (ProjectsAlbum.xslt) and one that is a filter for refining the child nodes to specific values, via options selected in a select menu (ProjectsFilter.xslt) .
I've created a datatype checkbox list (Project Type) with the following: Text Value Fitout 149 Refurbishment 150 Heritage 227 Sustainability 228 New Build 230 $5 Million+ 249 Government 251 Technology 252
How can I make the default value of the select menu "Techology" and therefor only display child nodes with that checkbox checked?
Do I need to make the change to the Projects Album which is pulling in all the child nodes or do I make the change to the Projects Filter?
Here's the ProjectsAlbum.xslt:
<xsl:variable name="possibleNodes" select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::root//*
[@isDoc and string(./umbracoNaviHide) != '1' and name() !=
'ProjectGallery' and name() = 'ProjectPage']" />
Filter child nodes to checkbox value
I want to display only the child nodes with the checkbox value "Technology" selected, value 252 in my checkbox list.
I have two macros, one that displays thumbnails of the child nodes (ProjectsAlbum.xslt) and one that is a filter for refining the child nodes to specific values, via options selected in a select menu (ProjectsFilter.xslt) .
I've created a datatype checkbox list (Project Type) with the following:
Text Value
Fitout 149
Refurbishment 150
Heritage 227
Sustainability 228
New Build 230
$5 Million+ 249
Government 251
Technology 252
How can I make the default value of the select menu "Techology" and therefor only display child nodes with that checkbox checked?
Do I need to make the change to the Projects Album which is pulling in all the child nodes or do I make the change to the Projects Filter?
Here's the ProjectsAlbum.xslt:
Here's the ProjectsFilter.xslt:
Hi. Did you find a solution for this?
is working on a reply...