<!-- uComponents: Multi-node Tree Picker - An XSLT example ===================================== The Multi-node Tree Picker data-type will provide XML data based on the nodes you have selected. In this example, the property alias name for the Multi-node Tree Picker is "treePicker". -->
<!-- First we check that the Multi-node Tree Picker has any nodeId values --> <xsl:if test="$currentPage/relatedLinks/MultiNodePicker/nodeId"> <div id="related_case_study_links"> <h1>Related Case Studies</h1> <ul> <!-- Loop through each of the nodeId values --> <xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/relatedLinks/MultiNodePicker/nodeId"> <!--
Since we only have the nodeId value, we need to get the actual content
node using umbraco.library's GetXmlNodeById method --> <!--
If you prefer to use pure XPath, then used this:
"$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::*[@isDoc and @level =
1]/descendant-or-self::*[@isDoc and @id = current()]" --> <xsl:variable name="node" select="umbraco.library:GetXmlNodeById(.)" /> <li> <!-- Output the URL using umbraco.library's NiceUrl method --> <a href="{umbraco.library:NiceUrl(.)}"> <xsl:value-of select="$node/@nodeName" /> <img src="{concat(substring-before(projectImage,'.'), '_thumb_180.jpg')}"/> </a> </li> </xsl:for-each> </ul> </div> </xsl:if>
Is the projectImage field on your node an upload field or a media picker? If it's a media picker you first need to use library:GetMedia(projectImage, 0)/umbracoFile to get the actuall path, because the media picker only stores the id. You don't have this problem if you use DAMP.
I really like the DAMP package, but as this is an existing website on 4.5 and it already has over 500 projectImages I won't be able to use it. Will definitly use it on future projects though.
Display thumbnail image with multi-node picker
How do I display the thumbnail images when using multi-node picker?
Note: the thumbnail is a child node of the of the "selected" multi-picker.
Here is my XSLT:
Is the projectImage field on your node an upload field or a media picker? If it's a media picker you first need to use library:GetMedia(projectImage, 0)/umbracoFile to get the actuall path, because the media picker only stores the id. You don't have this problem if you use DAMP.
It's from an upload field.
I really like the DAMP package, but as this is an existing website on 4.5 and it already has over 500 projectImages I won't be able to use it. Will definitly use it on future projects though.
Solved it!
is working on a reply...