<xsl:variable name="eventListId" select="1045"/> <!-- CHANGE THE VALUE --> <xsl:variable name="dateAlias" select="updatedon"/> <!-- CHANGE THE VALUE -->
I've changed the xpath to search for eventListId based on it's Id, as well as retricting the ancestor nodes that it will check. Just change the dataAlias variable to the alias of the pages date property.
If you just want to filter based on the pages default created date then use
XSLT filter date
I have this select in my XSLT
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::node//node [@nodeTypeAlias ='eventList']/node">
I'd like to additionally filter this by eventDate - where the eventDate must be greater or equal to today.
Any ideas on the syntax for this?
from the top of my head, something like this (I wrote enetdate as a variable - I dunno how you access it)
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::node//node [@nodeTypeAlias ='eventList']/node [umbraco.library:DateGreaterThanToday($eventDate)]">
Hi Barry,
Just expanding on Tommy's suggestion...
I've changed the xpath to search for eventListId based on it's Id, as well as retricting the ancestor nodes that it will check. Just change the dataAlias variable to the alias of the pages date property.
If you just want to filter based on the pages default created date then use
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::node//node [@nodeTypeAlias ='eventList']/node [umbraco.library:DateGreaterThanToday(data [@alias='eventDate'])]">
That worked , thanks Tommy
is working on a reply...