I'm trying to create an event archive page which only lists event items once they have passed. To list upcoming events I've used this:
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::root//EventItem[ @isDoc and string(rEvent) != '0' and umbraco.library:DateGreaterThanOrEqualToday(./dateTime)] ">
<xsl:sort select="dateTime" order="ascending" />
but there doesn't seem to be an umbraco library option for date less than... (unless I'm missing something). Is there a way to list all items where date is NOT greater than or equal today?
XSLT list items when date has passed
I'm trying to create an event archive page which only lists event items once they have passed. To list upcoming events I've used this:
but there doesn't seem to be an umbraco library option for date less than... (unless I'm missing something). Is there a way to list all items where date is NOT greater than or equal today?
What if you did like this?
@isDoc and string(rEvent) != '0'
Thank you so much - perfect solution!
is working on a reply...