Hi, I stuck in the following scenario: i have a folder with marginalitems (textblobs, links, downloads, contacts etc.) and i display them in dependency of the current page via a "multiple content picker" - so far, so good, everything works perfect.
But now i want to display certain marginalitems recursively - so i added to my items a property (true/false) for displaying it recusrively (there is an example in an howto from Casey Neehouse - see link below):
I read this but i stuck with implementing this in context of how you display "multiple content picker items"
so actually Casey explaines how to diplay one property of a node recursively in dependancy of a switch (true/false) set or not (see code here).
<xsl:value-of select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::node [string(data[@alias='Field'])!='' or data[@alias='hideField']=1] [1] [data[@alias='hideField']!=1] /data[@alias='Field']"/>
So what i need is the same for not just one single property but a single node (with a switch for showing it recursively or not - see initial topic entry), in my case "multiple content picker items".
display "multiple content picker items" resursive
I stuck in the following scenario:
i have a folder with marginalitems (textblobs, links, downloads, contacts etc.) and i display them in dependency of the current page via a "multiple content picker" - so far, so good, everything works perfect.
But now i want to display certain marginalitems recursively - so i added to my items a property (true/false) for displaying it recusrively (there is an example in an howto from Casey Neehouse - see link below):
I read this but i stuck with implementing this in context of how you display "multiple content picker items"
<xsl:variable name="relItems" select="$currentPage/data[@alias='marginalItems']" /> <xsl:variable name="relSplit" select="umbraco.library:Split($relItems, ',')" /> <xsl:if test="$relItems != ''"> <!-- All marginalitems --> <xsl:for-each select="$relSplit/value"> <xsl:variable name="currentItem" select="umbraco.library:GetXmlNodeById(.)"/> <!-- Textblobs --> <xsl:if test="$currentItem/data [@alias = 'title'] != ''"> <h3><xsl:value-of select="$currentItem/data [@alias = 'title']"/></h3> </xsl:if> <xsl:if test="$currentItem/data [@alias = 'bodyText'] != ''"> <xsl:value-of select="$currentItem/data [@alias = 'bodyText']" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> </xsl:if> . . . </xsl:for-each>
would be happy for any help
thank you
maybe its not clear what i want to do.
so actually Casey explaines how to diplay one property of a node recursively in dependancy of a switch (true/false) set or not (see code here).
So what i need is the same for not just one single property but a single node (with a switch for showing it recursively or not - see initial topic entry), in my case "multiple content picker items".
Any ideas, how i can reach a solution for this?
thank you
is working on a reply...