How do I get list of nodes that contains certain tag?
Is there a xslt helper that gives me a list id's or something that helps me show every page that contains certain tag? I was looking tagsLib but seems like there is nothing suitable? I am looking something like getNodesWithTag("Event")
How do I get list of nodes that contains certain tag?
Is there a xslt helper that gives me a list id's or something that helps me show every page that contains certain tag? I was looking tagsLib but seems like there is nothing suitable? I am looking something like getNodesWithTag("Event")
$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::node[@nodeTypeAlias='Homepage']/descendant::node[data[@alias='tags'] != '' and contains(data[@alias='tags'],'Event')]
a for-each over the above should work when adjusting the path :-)
is working on a reply...