I need to generate some xslt that will loop through all nodes of a particular nodetypealias, in order to sort them into an order based on a property of the nodetype.
each node has a "votes" property and I need to see what the ranking of a particular node is, e.g.
node 1 - 1000 votes - rank 1
node 2 - 1000 votes - rank 1 (it share's the winning number of votes)
node 3 - 300 votes - rank 2
node 4 - 200 votes - rank3 etc etc.
in sloppy-pseudocode I think the xslt should look something like this.
$count = 1
<xsl:for-each select="umbraco.library:GetXmlNodeById($source)/node [string(data [@alias='umbracoNaviHide']) != '1'>
<xsl:sort by property"votes">
$votes = votes property of node 1
if(vote property of current node < $votes)
if(currentnode id = "x")
break out of for each loop.
do something interesting with the current value of $count
But is any of this possible in xslt? I know amending the variable isn't possible, do I have to use a seperate template containing some recursion, and can anyone point me to a simple example of this type of recursion in xslt?
Hi again - I thought about it some more and came up with this, which will list all the nodes sorted by rank, descending - so you can see how to take that value when rendering a particular node (for CSS maybe?):
<!-- Grab reference to the parent node -->
<xsl:variable name="sourceNode" select="umbraco.library:GetXmlNodeById($source)" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<!-- Grab the top voted node -->
<xsl:variable name="topNode" select="$sourceNode/node[not(../node/data[@alias = 'votes'] > data[@alias = 'votes'] )]" />
Top voted: <strong><xsl:value-of select="$topNode/@nodeName" /></strong> with
<xsl:value-of select="$topNode/data[@alias = 'votes']" /> votes!
Number of nodes with a value less than the top voted:
<xsl:value-of select="count($sourceNode/node[data[@alias = 'votes'] < $topNode/data[@alias = 'votes']])" />
<!-- List all nodes sorted by rank -->
<xsl:apply-templates select="$sourceNode/node">
<xsl:sort select="count(../node[data[@alias = 'votes'] < current()/data[@alias = 'votes']])" data-type="number" order="descending" />
<!-- Output for each individual node -->
<xsl:template match="node">
<xsl:variable name="myVotes" select="data[@alias = 'votes']" />
Node: <xsl:value-of select="@nodeName" /> -
Rank: <xsl:value-of select="count(../node[data[@alias = 'votes'] < $myVotes])" />
<!-- No output for these -->
<xsl:template match="node[data[@alias = 'umbracoNaviHide'] = 1]" />
Wow! thats wonderful Chriztian! I didn't expect a complete bit of xslt, I thought i'd get a link to a example of something using similar methods. Thank you very very much for this, you're a star!
Tricky XSLT question
I need to generate some xslt that will loop through all nodes of a particular nodetypealias, in order to sort them into an order based on a property of the nodetype.
each node has a "votes" property and I need to see what the ranking of a particular node is, e.g.
node 1 - 1000 votes - rank 1
node 2 - 1000 votes - rank 1 (it share's the winning number of votes)
node 3 - 300 votes - rank 2
node 4 - 200 votes - rank3 etc etc.
in sloppy-pseudocode I think the xslt should look something like this.
But is any of this possible in xslt? I know amending the variable isn't possible, do I have to use a seperate template containing some recursion, and can anyone point me to a simple example of this type of recursion in xslt?
Many thanks
Hi Shaun,
Without understanding your scenario completely, here's a way to get the final value of $count:
Hi again - I thought about it some more and came up with this, which will list all the nodes sorted by rank, descending - so you can see how to take that value when rendering a particular node (for CSS maybe?):
Wow! thats wonderful Chriztian! I didn't expect a complete bit of xslt, I thought i'd get a link to a example of something using similar methods. Thank you very very much for this, you're a star!
Thanks Shaun,
Thing is -- I have CXA ("Compulsory XSLT Addiction" :-)
Chriztian destroyed another XSLT problem! Sweet solution! Kudos! /Lx
is working on a reply...