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Hi, How to get the doctype class to use in a custom controller and then "create" a content type node?
Now, I'm using this code:
var newcustomer = Services.ContentService.CreateContent(model.Cognome, parentid, "Cliente", 0); newcustomer.SetValue("nome", model.Nome); newcustomer.SetValue("cognome", model.Cognome); newcustomer.SetValue("codiceFiscale", model.CodiceFiscale); newcustomer.SetValue("dataDiNascita", model.DataNascita); newcustomer.SetValue("luogoDiNascita", model.LuogoNascita);
Hi Biagio,
What do you mean with "doctype class". A strongly typed object representing your content ?
I create a Document type into Umbraco backend. So I wish to access to it from a surface controller.
Hi Biago,
For creating content there are no models. The way you are doing it is correct.
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Umbraco DocType and Model to use in a custom controller. How to get the doctype class and save doctype?
Hi, How to get the doctype class to use in a custom controller and then "create" a content type node?
Now, I'm using this code:
Hi Biagio,
What do you mean with "doctype class". A strongly typed object representing your content ?
I create a Document type into Umbraco backend. So I wish to access to it from a surface controller.
Hi Biago,
For creating content there are no models. The way you are doing it is correct.
is working on a reply...