"Child items" tab appears with my Media type when created programmatically
I've created a custom Media Type (for Images) in code, and have uploaded images into the new Media Type.
However, it has created a "Child Items" tab for each one of the images I uploaded into my custom media type, visible when I click an image in the Media section.
This isn't visible when I inspect the Media Type in the Settings section.
I haven't specified permissions so I'm not sure why it has a "Child items" tab.
Hi Sven
here's my code (in VB.NET - comments are prefixed with a single quote).
Private Sub createMediaType(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreateMediaType.Click
'This will help with getting the byte stream
Dim userService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.UserService
Dim cts As IContentTypeService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentTypeService
Dim cs As IContentService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService
'Dim fs As IFileService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.FileService
Dim dts As IDataTypeService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.DataTypeService
Dim ms As IMediaService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.MediaService
'create a new images folder in the Media Section
'This will be where the imported images will sit
Dim folderType As MediaType = cts.GetMediaType("Folder")
Dim med As New Media("webImages", -1, folderType)
med.CreatorId = 0
'new MediaType
Dim mediatype As New MediaType(-1)
'set some initial properties
mediatype.Alias = "webImage"
mediatype.Name = "web Image"
mediatype.Description = "This Image Type will hold web images with description fields for Welsh"
mediatype.Icon = "icon-picture"
'create an image MediaType
Dim imageType As MediaType = cts.GetMediaType("Image")
mediatype.CreatorId = 0
''this helps to create a data type field in the media type
Dim txtDataTypeDef As DataTypeDefinition = dts.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-88)
'create a tab for this media type to hold property values
'English tab and properties
Dim txtPropType02 = New Umbraco.Core.Models.PropertyType(txtDataTypeDef)
txtPropType02.Name = "Title"
txtPropType02.Alias = "en_gb_title"
mediatype.AddPropertyType(txtPropType02, "English")
Dim txtPropType01 = New Umbraco.Core.Models.PropertyType(txtDataTypeDef)
txtPropType01.Name = "Keywords"
txtPropType01.Alias = "en_gb_keywords"
mediatype.AddPropertyType(txtPropType01, "English")
Dim txtPropType03 = New Umbraco.Core.Models.PropertyType(txtDataTypeDef)
txtPropType03.Name = "Description"
txtPropType03.Alias = "en_gb_description"
mediatype.AddPropertyType(txtPropType03, "English")
'create a tab for this media type to hold property values
'Welsh tab and properties
Dim txtPropType05 = New Umbraco.Core.Models.PropertyType(txtDataTypeDef)
txtPropType05.Name = "Welsh Title"
txtPropType05.Alias = "cy_gb_title"
mediatype.AddPropertyType(txtPropType05, "Welsh")
Dim txtPropType04 = New Umbraco.Core.Models.PropertyType(txtDataTypeDef)
txtPropType04.Name = "Welsh Keywords"
txtPropType04.Alias = "cy_gb_keywords"
mediatype.AddPropertyType(txtPropType04, "Welsh")
Dim txtPropType06 = New Umbraco.Core.Models.PropertyType(txtDataTypeDef)
txtPropType06.Name = "Welsh Description"
txtPropType06.Alias = "cy_gb_description"
mediatype.AddPropertyType(txtPropType06, "Welsh")
End Sub
"Child items" tab appears with my Media type when created programmatically
I've created a custom Media Type (for Images) in code, and have uploaded images into the new Media Type.
However, it has created a "Child Items" tab for each one of the images I uploaded into my custom media type, visible when I click an image in the Media section.
This isn't visible when I inspect the Media Type in the Settings section.
I haven't specified permissions so I'm not sure why it has a "Child items" tab.
Any help would be great.
Could you post the code that is generating these media items?
Hi Sven here's my code (in VB.NET - comments are prefixed with a single quote).
is working on a reply...