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I'm looking at creating a custom section to display content nodes waiting for approval.
Instead of redirecting the user from my custom section to the Content section, I would like to be able to edit the node within the custom section.
Is it possible to display the edit view for a node inside a custom section?
Almost certainly yes. You've presumably Googled custom sections right?
This has a demo project:
You should be able to unpick this to get your tree to load /umbraco/views/content/edit.html.
Thanks David. I've got the edit form rendering now.
The next issue to tackle is an authorization error when attempting to save the content node. I am getting the following error
Unauthorized access to URL: /umbraco/backoffice/UmbracoApi/Content/PostSave
Below is the code for my edit.controller.js where I'm trying to use contentResourcesend.ToPublish(content, isNew, files)
angular.module("umbraco") .controller("StagingEditController", function ($scope, $routeParams, $http, contentResource, notificationsService) { $scope.loaded = false; $ = {}; if ($ === -1) { $scope.content = {}; $scope.loaded = true; } else { $scope.content = {}; contentResource.getById($ .then(function (response) { $scope.content = response; }); } $scope.preview = function(content) { console.log('preview', content); } $ = function(content) { contentResource.sendToPublish(content, false, []) .then(function(response) { console.log('sendToPublish', response); notificationsService.success("Document sent for approval", ""); }, function(err) { notificationsService.success(err, ""); }); } });
Below is the code for my edit.html. Some elements are commented out while I'm attempting to put all of this together.
<div ng-controller="StagingEditController"> <umb-panel> <umb-header> <umb-content-name ng-model="" /> </umb-header> <div class="umb-panel-body umb-scrollable row-fluid"> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="umb-pane"> <!--<iframe src="#/content/content/edit/{{}}" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></iframe>--> <div class="umb-tab-buttons"> <div class="btn-group"> <a class="btn" ng-href="#/content/content/edit/{{}}">Edit</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <form name="contentForm" ng-submit="save(content)" novalidate val-form-manager> <umb-editor-view umb-tabs> <umb-editor-header menu="" name="" tabs="content.tabs" hide-icon="true" hide-description="true" hide-alias="true"> </umb-editor-header> <umb-editor-container> <umb-tabs-content class="form-horizontal" view="true"> <umb-tab id="tab{{}}" ng-repeat="tab in content.tabs" rel="{{}}"> <umb-property ng-repeat="property in" property="property"> <umb-editor model="property"></umb-editor> </umb-property> </umb-tab> </umb-tabs-content> </umb-editor-container> <umb-editor-footer> <umb-editor-footer-content-left> <umb-breadcrumbs ng-if="ancestors && ancestors.length > 0" ancestors="ancestors" entity-type="content"> </umb-breadcrumbs> </umb-editor-footer-content-left> <umb-editor-footer-content-right> <!--<umb-button ng-if="page.listViewPath" type="link" href="#{{page.listViewPath}}" label="Return to list" label-key="buttons_returnToList"> </umb-button>--> <umb-button ng-if="!page.isNew && content.allowPreview" type="button" action="preview(content)" label="Preview page" label-key="buttons_showPage"> </umb-button> <!--<umb-button-group ng-if="defaultButton" default-button="defaultButton" sub-buttons="subButtons" state="page.buttonGroupState" direction="up" float="right"> </umb-button-group>--> <umb-button type="button" action="save(content)" state="page.saveButtonState" button-style="success" shortcut="ctrl+s" label="Send to publish" label-key="buttons_save"> </umb-button> </umb-editor-footer-content-right> </umb-editor-footer> </umb-editor-view> </form> </umb-panel>
Hopefully someone will be able to point me in the right direction on this.
Sorry, not my area but I note that Umbraco is passing back properties that you're not.
contentEditingHelper.contentEditorPerformSave({ statusMessage: args.statusMessage, saveMethod: args.saveMethod, scope: $scope, content: $scope.content, action: args.action }).then(function (data) { //success init($scope.content); syncTreeNode($scope.content, data.path); $ = "success"; deferred.resolve(data); }, function (err) { //error if (err) { editorState.set($scope.content); } $ = "error"; deferred.reject(err); });
Also it is using contentEditingHelper
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Edit content node inside Custom section
I'm looking at creating a custom section to display content nodes waiting for approval.
Instead of redirecting the user from my custom section to the Content section, I would like to be able to edit the node within the custom section.
Is it possible to display the edit view for a node inside a custom section?
Almost certainly yes. You've presumably Googled custom sections right?
This has a demo project:
You should be able to unpick this to get your tree to load
.Thanks David. I've got the edit form rendering now.
The next issue to tackle is an authorization error when attempting to save the content node. I am getting the following error
Below is the code for my edit.controller.js where I'm trying to use contentResourcesend.ToPublish(content, isNew, files)
Below is the code for my edit.html. Some elements are commented out while I'm attempting to put all of this together.
Hopefully someone will be able to point me in the right direction on this.
Sorry, not my area but I note that Umbraco is passing back properties that you're not.
Also it is using
is working on a reply...