var dobString = dobDate.Value.ToString("s");
var sc = ExamineManager.Instance.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Member);
var query = sc.Field("clientID", model.ClientId).And().Field("dateOfBirth", dobString);
var results = ExamineManager.Instance.Search(query.Compile());
There is most definitely 1 member record with those details.
If I run the following in the Examine section of the Umbraco backend, I get the result I expect:
Examine search of Members not working
I have added "clientId" and "dateOfBirth" to the Member index, by adding the following to ExamineIndex.config:
But when I run this code I get no results:
There is most definitely 1 member record with those details.
If I run the following in the Examine section of the Umbraco backend, I get the result I expect:
So, why is my code not getting any results?
is working on a reply...