EntityResource.search -- query argument and searchfrom argument
The following documentation from the code base umbraco.resources.js is not exactly complete and maybe incorrect or in need of a revision.
Does anyone have a working example or improved documentation on usage... I had this working previously looking up a specific subset of media items for a custom property editor..and now after a recent core update it does not seem to work... I am trying to debug it to determine if its an Examine issue, data structure issue, or umbraco resource issue.
* @ngdoc method
* @name umbraco.resources.entityResource#search
* @methodOf umbraco.resources.entityResource
* @description
* Gets an array of entities, given a lucene query and a type
* ##usage
* <pre>
* entityResource.search("news", "Media")
* .then(function(mediaArray) {
* var myDoc = mediaArray;
* alert('they are here!');
* });
* </pre>
* @param {String} Query search query
* @param {String} Type type of conten to search
* @returns {Promise} resourcePromise object containing the entity array.
search: function (query, type, searchFrom, canceler) {....
" ↵ ↵Mapping types: ↵IEnumerable1 -> IEnumerable1
Examine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] ->
umbraco, Version=1.0.6396.36631, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=null]] ↵ ↵Destination path: ↵IEnumerable1 ↵ ↵Source
value: ↵Examine.LuceneEngine.SearchResults+<Skip>d__26" ExceptionType
: "AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException" InnerException : {Message:
"An error has occurred.",…} ExceptionMessage : "Object reference not
set to an instance of an object." ExceptionType :
"System.NullReferenceException" Message : "An error has occurred."
StackTrace : " at
When I changed the search method to:
entityResource.getAll("Media", searchFrom);
I get the error response 500:
)]}', {Message: "An error has occurred.", ExceptionMessage:
"Expression expected",…} ExceptionMessage : "Expression expected"
ExceptionType : "Umbraco.Core.Dynamics.ParseException" Message : "An
error has occurred." StackTrace : " at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.ExpressionParser1.ParsePrimaryStart() ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.ExpressionParser1.ParsePrimary() ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.ExpressionParser1.ParseUnary() ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.ExpressionParser1.ParseMultiplicative() ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.ExpressionParser1.ParseAdditive() ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.ExpressionParser1.ParseComparison() ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.ExpressionParser1.ParseLogicalAnd() ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.ExpressionParser1.ParseLogicalOr() ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.ExpressionParser1.ParseExpression() ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.ExpressionParser1.Parse(Type resultType) ↵ at
parameters, Type resultType, String expression, Boolean
convertDynamicNullToBooleanFalse, Object[] values) ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.DynamicQueryable.Where[T](IQueryable source,
String predicate, Object[] values) ↵ at
Umbraco.Web.Dynamics.DynamicQueryable.Where[T](IQueryable1 source,
String predicate, Object[] values) ↵ at
entities, String postFilter, IDictionary2 postFilterParams) ↵ at
entityType, String postFilter, IDictionary2 postFilterParams) ↵ at
lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) ↵ at
instance, Object[] methodParameters) ↵ at
controllerContext, IDictionary`2 arguments, CancellationToken
cancellationToken) ↵--- End of stack trace from previous location
where exception was thrown --- ↵ at
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() ↵ at
task) ↵ at
EntityResource.search -- query argument and searchfrom argument
The following documentation from the code base umbraco.resources.js is not exactly complete and maybe incorrect or in need of a revision.
Does anyone have a working example or improved documentation on usage... I had this working previously looking up a specific subset of media items for a custom property editor..and now after a recent core update it does not seem to work... I am trying to debug it to determine if its an Examine issue, data structure issue, or umbraco resource issue.
The example of my code that used to work:
Error message:
When I changed the search method to:
I get the error response 500:
is working on a reply...