When a person presses the crop button, an overlay with the image cropper functions is shown for the selected image. I can open the overlay just fine if there is already an image selected, but if i choose another one, it won't open.
This is the function that runs when the user presses the button:
$scope.openOverlay = function (index) {
$scope.overlay = {
mediaId: $scope.images.udi,
saving: false,
show: true, //controls whether to show the overlay or not
value: $scope.images[0].metaData.umbracoFile.Value,
config: $scope.images[0].metaData.umbracoFile.Value,
view: '/App_Plugins/ExtendedMediaPicker/cropper.html',
close: function (oldModel) { //when the overlay is closed, dont show
$scope.overlay.show = false;
title: 'Image Crops',
submitButtonLabel: 'Save Crops',
submit: function (model) { //when user clicks save crops button
$scope.overlay.saving = true;
//do savings...
.then(function (media) {
//media.name = "I want a new name!";
mediaResource.save(media, false, []).then(function (media) { //save changes to media item, or craete if new
$scope.overlay.saving = false;
$scope.overlay.show = false;
notificationsService.success("The crops for '" + media.name + "' have been saved");
$scope.overlay.show = false;
Saving functionality doesn't work yet, but right now I just want the overlay to show properly.
Can't open image cropper overlay after deleting and picking new media item
I'm having trouble reopening my custom image cropper overlay when I delete my currently picked media item and adding another one.
This is how my interface looks: https://i.imgur.com/myypGCd.png
When a person presses the crop button, an overlay with the image cropper functions is shown for the selected image. I can open the overlay just fine if there is already an image selected, but if i choose another one, it won't open.
This is the function that runs when the user presses the button:
Saving functionality doesn't work yet, but right now I just want the overlay to show properly.
This is what loads the overlay in the HTML:
is working on a reply...