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How to read data of Multinode Treepicker datatype from API?
you should be able to use this:
Hi, I know that package, but at this stage is not possible to use it. I build a my web api with OAuth autentication with this good module ( ). I've only to access Multinode Treepicker data.
Solved ( Offerta is PublishedContentModel ):
Offerta n = new Offerta(umbracoHelper.TypedContent(node.Id)); //pushMessage.notification_target.type = ""; = node.Name; // pushMessage.notification_content.title = node.GetValue("TitoloNews").ToString(); pushMessage.notification_content.title = n.Titolo; pushMessage.notification_content.body = n.ContenutoMessaggioPush.ToString(); List<string> province = new List<string>(); var typedMultiNodeTreePicker = n.ProvincePush.ToList(); foreach (var item in typedMultiNodeTreePicker) { province.Add(item.Name.ToUpper().Trim()); } var result = String.Join("|", province.ToArray()); pushMessage.notification_content.custom_data.Add("province", result); string stringResult = await Invia(pushMessage);
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Solved - How to read data of Multinode Treepicker datatype from API?
How to read data of Multinode Treepicker datatype from API?
you should be able to use this:
Hi, I know that package, but at this stage is not possible to use it. I build a my web api with OAuth autentication with this good module ( ). I've only to access Multinode Treepicker data.
Solved ( Offerta is PublishedContentModel ):
is working on a reply...