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  • Katie 25 posts 90 karma points
    Nov 29, 2017 @ 10:37

    Getting only prevalues that are currently used in a content node

    I am currently building a site that has filters for the customer to filter the products. I am getting all the prevalues, but I was wondering if there is a way to filter them, so I only display the prevalues that are actually used in the back-end. Otherwise I am displaying long lists of options, where half of them won't return any results if selected.

    XPathNodeIterator preValueRootElementIteratorAge = umbraco.library.GetPreValues(1183);
        XPathNodeIterator preValueIteratorAge = preValueRootElementIteratorAge.Current.SelectChildren("preValue", "");

    Thank you

  • Steve Morgan 1349 posts 4459 karma points c-trib
    Nov 29, 2017 @ 16:19
    Steve Morgan

    Hi Katie,

    How many products are there? If it's a fairly small amount I would be tempted to get all products and then select this value, dedupe and order by name. Even if there's a few you could just use the code below in a cached partial to improve speed.

    Also using umbraco.library.GetPreValues hits the database I think rather than using the cache so can cause issues on high load sites.

    I'd suggest something like:

        var products = Model.Content.Children();
        var dropDownValues = products.Where(x => x.HasValue("testDropDown")).Select(x => x.GetPropertyValue<string>("testDropDown")).ToList();
        dropDownValues = dropDownValues.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
            @foreach (var curValue in dropDownValues)
                <option value="@curValue">@curValue</option>

    You might need to @using System.Linq at the top of your razor script.



  • Katie 25 posts 90 karma points
    Dec 01, 2017 @ 13:26

    Thank you, that has really helped. I will have around 1500 products. I have tried your solution and it works well, but I only have 485 products loaded at the moment, so will test for speed once all are in the system.


  • Steve Morgan 1349 posts 4459 karma points c-trib
    Dec 01, 2017 @ 13:44
    Steve Morgan

    In that case add it as a partial and cache it or a macro if you prefer those.

    See here for details

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