localizationService.localize not referencing app_plugin language file
I have a custom section and custom edit forms: does localizationService.localize("[area_key]") call my language file in ~/App_Plugins/[app_name]/lang/en-GB.xml
Thank you for the response. I literally just figured out the issue... it was as simple as refreshing my web.config. I needed to restart the app in order to re-cache/reload my lang files.
In response to your suggestion: I had considered that. However, at the moment, I have my en-US and en-GB lang files identical...(as a result of that idea) but my backend admin culture is still set to en-GB. And as I understand it, that is the default for an Umbraco backend install.
Create a /lang folder in the folder where you are creating the implementation for your custom section(if not create one in the appplugins folder eg /appplugins/favouritethings/lang)
inside this folder create a file called en-us.xml this is the 'default' fallback language translation file, and add the following definition:
I think it will use the one that mactches the culture the user you are logged in with have setup :)
localizationService.localize not referencing app_plugin language file
I have a custom section and custom edit forms: does
call my language file in~/App_Plugins/[app_name]/lang/en-GB.xml
When i make the call from my angularjs controller:
my angularjs view outputs:
instead of"Cut/Canceled"
Hi Max,
Could it be as simple as the file being named en-GB.xml, and not en-US.xml?
Thank you for the response. I literally just figured out the issue... it was as simple as refreshing my web.config. I needed to restart the app in order to re-cache/reload my lang files.
In response to your suggestion: I had considered that. However, at the moment, I have my en-US and en-GB lang files identical...(as a result of that idea) but my backend admin culture is still set to en-GB. And as I understand it, that is the default for an Umbraco backend install.
I think it will use the one that mactches the culture the user you are logged in with have setup :)
is working on a reply...