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  • Sebastian 5 posts 75 karma points
    Oct 31, 2018 @ 17:03

    Adding tabs in custom section for each custom tree node


    I cannot figure out nor find any documentation or example on how to implement custom tabs in a custom section with custom trees.

    What I have done so far:

    • Created a custom dashboard which is assigned to a section.
    • Created a custom section.

    So far I have a custom section and in the section I have a custom tree. I need to implement custom tabs for each tree node however, for the life of me I cannot figure out how to.

    I have found a snippet of code which kind of implements it but the styling isn't right and the tabs are hard coded.

    The snippet:

    <umb-header tabs="content.tabs">
        <div class="umb-headline-editor-wrapper span12 ng-scope">
            <h1 class="ng-binding">My custom section {{id}}</h1>
        <umb-tab id="tab1" rel="svensson">
        <div class="umb-pane">
            This is tab content for tab 1<br/>
           <p ng-show="EditMode()">
                   <span class="label label-warning">In create mode, this label is only showed when the controller sees the create-querystring item.</span>
        <umb-tab id="tab2" rel="kalle">
        <div class="umb-pane">
                    This is tab content for tab 2

    Question 1: why do I need the attribute 'tabs' in the umb-header directive? Question 2: is there a way to somehow ng-repeat the 'umb-tabs' directive?

    I have tried looking at the documentation but there are no example nor explanation how to actually implement it.

    Any help much appreciated.

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