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I'm developing a custom section in Umbraco Backoffice and I having some troubles with required fields validation.
I want to prevent the click of the form button if any required field is unfilled, and then show the validation message for this field.
This is my form code
<form name="evaluationForm" val-form-manager class="show-validation"> <div class="ng-scope"> <div class="umb-property ng-scope" data-element="property-questionTitle"> <div class="control-group umb-control-group"> <div class="umb-el-wrap"> <label class="control-label ng-binding" for="questionTitle" title="questionTitle"> Título <strong class="umb-control-required">*</strong> <small class="ng-binding">Añade un título a la pregunta.</small> </label> <div class="controls"> <div class="umb-property-editor ng-scope"> <div> <div class="ng-scope"> <input name="questionTitle" type="text" class="umb-editor umb-textstring" ng-model="vm.model.questionSelected.Title" required /> <span class="help-inline" val-msg-for="questionTitle" val-toggle-msg="required">Required</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <umb-button action="vm.functions.saveQuestion()" type="button" button-style="success" state="vm.buttonState" disabled="vm.buttonState === 'busy'" label="Guardar"> </umb-button> </form>
Any help is appreciated.
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Umbraco custom section validate required fields
I'm developing a custom section in Umbraco Backoffice and I having some troubles with required fields validation.
I want to prevent the click of the form button if any required field is unfilled, and then show the validation message for this field.
This is my form code
Any help is appreciated.
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