I'm experimenting with UmbracoExamine engine and Lucene searches. So far I'm quite impressed with the flexibility and performance. I'm having a bit of an issue dealing with Umbraco.tags fields. I have a use case where I need to search for Unpublished documents with a specific tag value.
Now, I can confirm that my field (which is called "englishKeywords") is indexed in both the Internal and External indexers (user fields in Examine Management screen). I also realize that only the Internal indexer is allowed by default to search for Unpublished documents.
So I can search in my Umbraco.Tags field using ExternalIndexer...but cannot combine search for Unpublished documents. And then I can search for Unpublished documents using InternalIndexer but combining search to Umbraco.Tags fields does not work. What am I missing? Should I rebuild my indexes or something?
I've tried the Examine Management searchers and also by code using something like this:
var searcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["InternalSearcher"];
var criteria = ExamineManager.Instance.DefaultSearchProvider.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Content);
var tag = "featured";
//This combination will not work:
//var query = criteria.Field("isPublished", "false").And().Field("englishKeywords", tag.Escape());
//This will work:
var query = criteria.Field("isPublished", "false");
var results = searcher.Search(query.Compile());
Lucene query and Umbraco.tags fields
Hello all,
I'm experimenting with UmbracoExamine engine and Lucene searches. So far I'm quite impressed with the flexibility and performance. I'm having a bit of an issue dealing with Umbraco.tags fields. I have a use case where I need to search for Unpublished documents with a specific tag value.
Now, I can confirm that my field (which is called "englishKeywords") is indexed in both the Internal and External indexers (user fields in Examine Management screen). I also realize that only the Internal indexer is allowed by default to search for Unpublished documents.
So I can search in my Umbraco.Tags field using ExternalIndexer...but cannot combine search for Unpublished documents. And then I can search for Unpublished documents using InternalIndexer but combining search to Umbraco.Tags fields does not work. What am I missing? Should I rebuild my indexes or something?
I've tried the Examine Management searchers and also by code using something like this:
A bit of help would be very much welcomed.
is working on a reply...