Howecver I have added this as a new item as this other is marked as solved and my issue isn't.
I have the issue when upgrading from 7.7.13 to anything higher with the error:
Error during installation
The database failed to upgrade. ERROR: The database configuration failed with the following message: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_cmsMedia'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.cmsMedia'. The duplicate key value is (ef660e33-c44b-48cb-8f8a-00006c7ef608).
The statement has been terminated. Please check log file for additional information (can be found in '/App_Data/Logs/UmbracoTraceLog.txt')
See the log for full details (logs can typically be found in the App_Data\Logs folder).
When trying to manually remove them using the SQL from Ismail
declare @alias varchar(30) = 'umbracoFile' declare @nodeObjectType uniqueidentifier = N'B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9C'
SELECT cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar, cmsPropertyData.dataNtext,, cmsContentVersion.VersionId FROM cmsPropertyData INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON = cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId INNER JOIN cmsContentVersion ON cmsContentVersion.ContentId = WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND IN (SELECT FROM umbracoNode INNER JOIN cmsContent ON cmsContent.nodeId = INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = (@nodeObjectType)) AND (cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar IS NOT NULL OR cmsPropertyData.dataNtext IS NOT NULL) AND cmsContentVersion.VersionId='6ff5d8cb-02ee-4cbf-8d1f-0d979eeb1e5e'
It appears to apply to lots of the images, I have been through the process and removed a few and it moves on to the next on the next upgrade... Is there any easy way to remove the duplicates without doing the upgrade, then waiting for it to fail and then getting the next guid to check... This site has well over 200,000 images so even if its 1% that's have this issue a lot to update.
I wonder if this is due to their being multiple different media types and each image belongs to one media type but it appears to also belong to the main media type too?
DELETE FROM cmsPropertyData
WHERE (propertytypeid = 6) OR
(propertytypeid = 7) OR
(propertytypeid = 8) OR
(propertytypeid = 9) OR
(propertytypeid = 10)
It removes 1,034,040 rows and now the site will upgrade but the media folder is partly empty, the media is listed but there is just the option to upload an image...
Anyone able to help with SQL query to only delete from 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 where there is also another (non 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10) entry for that versionId ?
So If anyone has this same issue and finds this post this was the SQL that fixed the issue... Upgraded to 7.14.0 (as there are known issues with media and 7.15.0) and from a quick check all seems to have worked well.
declare @alias varchar(30) = 'umbracoFile' declare @nodeObjectType uniqueidentifier = N'B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9C'
--SELECT cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar, cmsPropertyData.dataNtext,, cmsContentVersion.VersionId FROM cmsPropertyData INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON = cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId INNER JOIN cmsContentVersion ON cmsContentVersion.ContentId = WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND IN (SELECT FROM umbracoNode INNER JOIN cmsContent ON cmsContent.nodeId = INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = (@nodeObjectType)) AND (cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar IS NOT NULL OR cmsPropertyData.dataNtext IS NOT NULL)
--SELECT cmsContentVersion.VersionId, count(1) FROM cmsPropertyData INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON = cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId INNER JOIN cmsContentVersion ON cmsContentVersion.ContentId = WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND IN (SELECT FROM umbracoNode INNER JOIN cmsContent ON cmsContent.nodeId = INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = (@nodeObjectType)) AND (cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar IS NOT NULL OR cmsPropertyData.dataNtext IS NOT NULL) group by cmsContentVersion.VersionId
select * from cmsPropertyData where versionId in
(select versionId from
(select id, versionId, propertytypeid, case when propertytypeid <= 10 then -1 else 1 end as validPropType from cmsPropertyData where versionid in
(SELECT cmsContentVersion.VersionId
FROM cmsPropertyData INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON = cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid
INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId
INNER JOIN cmsContentVersion ON cmsContentVersion.ContentId =
WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND IN
(SELECT FROM umbracoNode
INNER JOIN cmsContent ON cmsContent.nodeId =
INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType
INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId
WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = (@nodeObjectType))
AND (cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar IS NOT NULL OR cmsPropertyData.dataNtext IS NOT NULL)
group by cmsContentVersion.VersionId having count(1) > 1)) t group by versionId having sum(validproptype) = 0) and propertytypeid in (6,7,8,9,10)
Huge thanks to Owain and Nik for your support and advice H5YR!
declare @alias varchar(30) = 'umbracoFile' declare @nodeObjectType uniqueidentifier = N'B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9C'
--SELECT cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar, cmsPropertyData.dataNtext,, cmsContentVersion.VersionId FROM cmsPropertyData INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON = cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId INNER JOIN cmsContentVersion ON cmsContentVersion.ContentId = WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND IN (SELECT FROM umbracoNode INNER JOIN cmsContent ON cmsContent.nodeId = INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = (@nodeObjectType)) AND (cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar IS NOT NULL OR cmsPropertyData.dataNtext IS NOT NULL)
--SELECT cmsContentVersion.VersionId, count(1) FROM cmsPropertyData INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON = cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId INNER JOIN cmsContentVersion ON cmsContentVersion.ContentId = WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND IN (SELECT FROM umbracoNode INNER JOIN cmsContent ON cmsContent.nodeId = INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = (@nodeObjectType)) AND (cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar IS NOT NULL OR cmsPropertyData.dataNtext IS NOT NULL) group by cmsContentVersion.VersionId
delete from cmsPropertyData where versionId in
(select versionId from
(select id, versionId, propertytypeid, case when propertytypeid <= 10 then -1 else 1 end as validPropType from cmsPropertyData where versionid in
(SELECT cmsContentVersion.VersionId
FROM cmsPropertyData INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON = cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid
INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId
INNER JOIN cmsContentVersion ON cmsContentVersion.ContentId =
WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND IN
(SELECT FROM umbracoNode
INNER JOIN cmsContent ON cmsContent.nodeId =
INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType
INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId
WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = (@nodeObjectType))
AND (cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar IS NOT NULL OR cmsPropertyData.dataNtext IS NOT NULL)
group by cmsContentVersion.VersionId having count(1) > 1)) t group by versionId having sum(validproptype) = 0) and propertytypeid in (6,7,8,9,10)
After running the delete I am still getting the errors. Using Ismail's code to look at the specific versionID mentioned in the Install error message, I am seeing other duplicated data...
declare @alias varchar(30) = 'umbracoFile'
declare @nodeObjectType uniqueidentifier = N'B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9C'
declare @versionToCheck uniqueidentifier = 'fed7eb58-71c2-452d-aa97-1b452818d62b' --**Update this to match Error msg GUID
SELECT, cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar,
FROM cmsPropertyData INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType
ON = cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid INNER JOIN umbracoNode
ON = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId INNER JOIN cmsContentVersion
ON cmsContentVersion.ContentId =
WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND IN (SELECT FROM umbracoNode INNER JOIN cmsContent ON cmsContent.nodeId = INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = (@nodeObjectType)) AND (cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar IS NOT NULL OR cmsPropertyData.dataNtext IS NOT NULL)
AND cmsContentVersion.VersionId=@versionToCheck
Interestingly, I am getting duplicate data with different property ids...
All I can figure is that at some point the original developers changed the property type or something, but the old data is still present.
I have been able to deal with them individually and in a rather manual fashion by grabbing the first "id" value and running
Well, just in case someone else has a similar issue... I finally was able to get these "bulk" deleted by using Excel for help.
First, I ran this query:
declare @alias varchar(30) = 'umbracoFile'
declare @nodeObjectType uniqueidentifier = N'B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9C'
SELECT, cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar,
FROM cmsPropertyData INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType
ON = cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid INNER JOIN umbracoNode
ON = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId INNER JOIN cmsContentVersion
ON cmsContentVersion.ContentId =
WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND IN (SELECT FROM umbracoNode INNER JOIN cmsContent ON cmsContent.nodeId = INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId WHERE cmsPropertyType.Alias = (@alias) AND umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = (@nodeObjectType)) AND (cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar IS NOT NULL OR cmsPropertyData.dataNtext IS NOT NULL)
Then, I took the results and pasted into Excel.
I added a column to check if the row matched the next row (to get all the duplicates) with the cell formula:
(Results in TRUE or FALSE on each row)
And then another column to copy the 'id' of the TRUE rows:
I then copied the column and pasted it as VALUES, resulting in a full list of the IDs of rows which needed to be deleted.
The final list of IDs was then formatted into a comma-separated list and then this SQL was run, using the list of over 500 ids grabbed from excel:
FROM cmsPropertyData
WHERE id in (1962,1967,2008,2487,4409,4425,4433,...)
I was finally able to get the Upgrade wizard to complete after this. :-)
Upgrade from 7.7.13 fails due to media issues
I am also getting the same error as This post
Howecver I have added this as a new item as this other is marked as solved and my issue isn't.
I have the issue when upgrading from 7.7.13 to anything higher with the error:
When trying to manually remove them using the SQL from Ismail
It appears to apply to lots of the images, I have been through the process and removed a few and it moves on to the next on the next upgrade... Is there any easy way to remove the duplicates without doing the upgrade, then waiting for it to fail and then getting the next guid to check... This site has well over 200,000 images so even if its 1% that's have this issue a lot to update.
I wonder if this is due to their being multiple different media types and each image belongs to one media type but it appears to also belong to the main media type too?
If I run SQL
It removes 1,034,040 rows and now the site will upgrade but the media folder is partly empty, the media is listed but there is just the option to upload an image...
Anyone able to help with SQL query to only delete from 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 where there is also another (non 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10) entry for that versionId ?
So If anyone has this same issue and finds this post this was the SQL that fixed the issue... Upgraded to 7.14.0 (as there are known issues with media and 7.15.0) and from a quick check all seems to have worked well.
Huge thanks to Owain and Nik for your support and advice H5YR!
Hi Jack,
Thanks for sharing this code. I am working on a 7.4.3 upgrade to 7.15.5 and came across this error message.
When I use your provided code, it returns 1,110 rows... but I'm not sure what I should now do about those rows...
Should these rows be deleted? Edited in some way? Any further direction you could provide would be helpful.
Thanks in advance :-)
Yes I just removed these items.
I just ran this:
Thanks, Jack :-)
After running the delete I am still getting the errors. Using Ismail's code to look at the specific versionID mentioned in the Install error message, I am seeing other duplicated data...
Interestingly, I am getting duplicate data with different property ids...
All I can figure is that at some point the original developers changed the property type or something, but the old data is still present.
I have been able to deal with them individually and in a rather manual fashion by grabbing the first "id" value and running
But, it's been pretty painful [sigh]...
Well, just in case someone else has a similar issue... I finally was able to get these "bulk" deleted by using Excel for help.
First, I ran this query:
Then, I took the results and pasted into Excel.
I added a column to check if the row matched the next row (to get all the duplicates) with the cell formula:
(Results in TRUE or FALSE on each row)
And then another column to copy the 'id' of the TRUE rows:
I then copied the column and pasted it as VALUES, resulting in a full list of the IDs of rows which needed to be deleted.
The final list of IDs was then formatted into a comma-separated list and then this SQL was run, using the list of over 500 ids grabbed from excel:
I was finally able to get the Upgrade wizard to complete after this. :-)
Heather Floyd, thank you so much!
I recently ran into this same issue with an Umbraco Cloud upgrade to version 7.9.7 and your post saved me!
Thankfully I only had 2 duplicates, but still, I wouldn't have known where to start if it hadn't been for this thread and your post.
I'm glad it helped you, Tim 😊
is working on a reply...