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  • Sonja 133 posts 621 karma points
    Aug 12, 2019 @ 11:37

    Create content from C#


    I have to insert some content from database using c#. I am reading the data and placing it into models. Lets say 1 model is

    public class Manufacturer
                public int ManufacturerId { get; set; }
                public string ManufacturerName { get; set; }

    I have same Document type and 1 root document type Manufacturers. that can have multiple content of Manufacturer. Now I have read a list of manufacturers and I need to create a content for all of them. I have

     foreach (var man in manufacturers)

    and if manufacturer with mamufacturerId(not same as UmbracoId) exists update in else insert new. So far I have:

    public void InsertUmbracoManufacturer(Manufacturer man)
                //get the manufacturer folder 
                IContentService contentService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService;
                var rootFolder =contentService.GetRootContent().Where(x => x.ContentType.Alias.Equals("Manufacturers")).First();
                if (rootFolder!=null)
                    //get the node with manufacturerId =man.manufacturerId
                    var m=rootFolder.Children().Where(x=>x.ContentType.Alias.Equals("Manufacturer") && x.Children().Where(y=>y.Properties["manufacturerid"].Equals(man.ManufacturerId))  //not so sure please help
                    if (m!=null)
                        //if it does exist update it help here too
                        //if it doesn't exist insert help here too

    Please help

  • Shaishav Karnani from 354 posts 1638 karma points
    Aug 12, 2019 @ 12:12
    Shaishav Karnani from

    I have updated your snippet and have added code as required. Do let me know for any clarification?

    public void InsertUmbracoManufacturer(Manufacturer man) { //get the manufacturer folder IContentService cs = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService; var rootFolder =contentService.GetRootContent().Where(x => x.ContentType.Alias.Equals("Manufacturers")).First(); if (rootFolder!=null) { //get the node with manufacturerId =man.manufacturerId var m=rootFolder.Children().Where(x=>x.ContentType.Alias.Equals("Manufacturer") && x.Children().Where(y=>y.Properties["manufacturerid"].Equals(man.ManufacturerId)) //not so sure please help

    IContent saveNode = null; if (m!=null) { //if it does exist update it help here too saveNode = cs.GetById(m.Id); } else { //if it doesn't exist insert help here too saveNode = cs.CreateContent(man.ManufacturerName, rootFolder.Id, "propertyDetails", 0); } .... update all properties // propertyNode.SetValue("property", "value"); // cs.SaveAndPublishWithStatus(propertyNode);

  • Sonja 133 posts 621 karma points
    Aug 14, 2019 @ 13:44

    Thanks, it is something like that, just m is found more easily:

            IContentService contentService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService;
            var rootFolder = contentService.GetRootContent().Where(x => x.ContentType.Alias.Equals("manufacturers")).First();
            if (rootFolder != null)
                //get the node with manufacturerId =man.manufacturerId
                var m = rootFolder.Children().Where(x => x.Properties["manufacturerid"].Value.Equals(man.ManufacturerId.ToString())).FirstOrDefault();
                IContent saveNode = null;
                if (m != null)
                    //if it does exist update it
                    saveNode = contentService.GetById(m.Id);
                    saveNode.SetValue("manufacturerName", man.ManufacturerName);
                    saveNode.Name = man.ManufacturerName;
                    //if it doesn't exist insert
                    saveNode = contentService.CreateContent(man.ManufacturerName, rootFolder.Id, "Manufacturer");
                    saveNode.SetValue("manufacturerId", man.ManufacturerId);
                    saveNode.SetValue("manufacturerName", man.ManufacturerName);
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