In terms of whats changed for the OnGatheringNodeData, could you tell me how I access fields as before I could use e.Fields and loop through them, I cant seem to see this option anymore.
//This should get the ID of the node being indexed
//Adding a value
e.ValueSet.Add("FieldName", Value)
//Returns a collection of values for a field, for example a list of strings for tags
Can't remember exactly :) legacy code. I'll comment it out for now, see how it goes.
I also have another function Indexer_DocumentWriting
var indexer = (LuceneIndexer)ExamineManager.Instance.IndexProviderCollection["ContentSearchIndexer"];
indexer.DocumentWriting += new EventHandler<Examine.LuceneEngine.DocumentWritingEventArgs>(ExamineEvents.Indexer_DocumentWriting);
Can you tell me what the equiv in v8 is for this? (Thanks for all your help by the way)
Examine events
Just porting some things across to V8. Can anyone tell me what the V8 equiv is of this code:
Hey Paul
Hope it helps,
Hi Nik,
Thanks for this, I'll give it a go.
In terms of whats changed for the OnGatheringNodeData, could you tell me how I access fields as before I could use e.Fields and loop through them, I cant seem to see this option anymore.
Hi Paul,
Have a look at
.This is used in multiple ways:
Hope that helps
Thanks Nik, this is great - do you know how you remove a value - I used to use
I can see Add, but can't see Remove anywhere.
I've not tried removing values, why are you trying to remove them?
Can't remember exactly :) legacy code. I'll comment it out for now, see how it goes.
I also have another function Indexer_DocumentWriting
Can you tell me what the equiv in v8 is for this? (Thanks for all your help by the way)
Not sure there is, think they've all been pushed into that event. Ismail might have a better knowledge on this so could be worth reaching out to him.
Thanks - do you know how I can find him?
Twitter might be the best bet: or on Slack :-)
Sorry, answer I gave was already given..
is working on a reply...