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  • Geoff Baldwin 80 posts 100 karma points
    Sep 11, 2010 @ 19:26
    Geoff Baldwin

    Can't create the database or use existing


    I am totally new to Umbraco and have limited experience on SQL and web development. I have developed a number of simple web sites using VSE and 3.5 plus a slightly less simple one using an SQL database to provide membership details of a chamber of commerce, events, news etc.This used a rudimentary single admin role to provide the ability to edit page contents which was stored in a database.

    I want to develop 'proper' CMS systems and so decided to look at Umbraco.

    I have installed VSE 2010, SQL Express 2008 R2 etc and have got part way through installing Umbraco 4.5.2 onto a Laptop runing XP Professional SP2.

    I cannot get past theDatabase creation part. At step 1 I have entered taken Default Web Site and entered UmbracoCMS into the UmbracoCMS Application Name box.All other boxes are greyed out and will not accept input.

    At Step 2 Enter application information I have tried two approaches:

    1. Create New Database

    It asks for a Database Administrator for the database.
    As the database does not exist I assume that it wants to create the admin username so I enter  UmbracoAdmin and UmbracoAdminpw as the password; I accept the prompted umbracouser as the database username and provide a password of umbracouserpw

    (again, I asume that these are being created and that authentication isn't taking place against anything.

    My .\sqlexpress server is configured for windows authentication and I am logged on as a user with sysadmin role.

    When I click 'continue' I get an error

    The folowing error occurred when trying to connect to the database by using the specified arameters:
    Login failed for user 'Umbraco Admin'

    I tell the system not to continue with the Install

    2. Use Existing Database

    I created a database using SQL Management Studio called UmbracoCMS.
    By default it has a user 'dbo' database owner and my windows login is associated with this user.

    I then entered dbo in the and provided mu windows password

    I get the same error with Login failed for user dbo.


    Obviously missing something vital here but I don't have the experience or the knowledge to figure out what. I'm hoping you guys can point it out to me!

  • Geoff Baldwin 80 posts 100 karma points
    Sep 11, 2010 @ 21:21
    Geoff Baldwin

    Tried to put this in as an edit to my post but got an error when I clicked SUBMIT ----  really having NO success with anything today:(

    Something else I don't understand. In Step 2 "Enter Application Information" I am asked for passwords for the admin and / or user accounts for the database (which, like I said above I am expecting to be created if I am creating a new database). While trying to find a solution to this , I tried to create a user in the new database I created using Server Management Studio. I am not able to create a password for the user. It just asks me to associate the user with a 'login' but will not allow me to use my own which it says the login already has an account under a different user name. This is true - dbo.

    So what password do I use if I want to connect with a user eg dbo?

    Obviously missing something vital and I am totally confused here but I don't have the experience or the knowledge to figure out what. I'm hoping you guys can point it out to me!

  • Geoff Baldwin 80 posts 100 karma points
    Sep 11, 2010 @ 21:27
    Geoff Baldwin

    Thought I'd just ignore the problen  and take the 'install anyway' option presented.

    The WPI then reports Umbraco CMS did not install correctly. The database umbracocmd could not be created login failed for .......i

    Think I'm going to try installing outside of WPI and then connect from within a website project (always the brave one!!)


    I'm getting very despondent - I've downloaded Umbraco but I can't fnd anything meaninful that tells me what I need to do to install it on XP Pro with ASP.NET :(

    It is late (23:00) and I am I just missing it or is there really nothing to find???????

  • Richard Soeteman 4053 posts 12926 karma points MVP 2x
    Sep 12, 2010 @ 07:13
    Richard Soeteman


    You need to configure SQLerver that it also can use SQL Authentication. Then you can create a database and assign a SQL login to that database which you can use in the installer.



  • Geoff Baldwin 80 posts 100 karma points
    Sep 12, 2010 @ 13:56
    Geoff Baldwin

    Hi Richard - thanks for your input.

    My SQL express server will accept SQL or Windows authentication.

    OK so in SQL Server Management Studio I have a tree that looks like

          System Databases

    Under Logins I created umbracouser and umbracoadmin and gave them passwords.

    pcname\Geoff (my windows login to the laptop) also appears in this list as does pcname\aspnet (created for a trial of Kentico and used to set up a database for it -- successfully!!)

    I tried running the install and selected create new database and provided the umbracoadmin as database administrator and ambrucouser as database user and provided the appropriate passwordss as I set them in Server Mgt Studio
    It failed with 'Create Database permission denied in Database Master.

    I thought this install procedure was supposed to be able to start with a clean slate and create a database??????
    It obviously doesn't!!

    So, I set up a new database called JamesGallery and tried to install using existing database - specified umbracouser as the user and provided the password.
    Got this error: Cannot open database "JamesGallery" requested by the Login. The login failed.
    Login failed for user umbracouser

    If I go to "Security " under JamesGallery I see I can create users ....

    So I createda user called admin and associated it with the umbracoadmin login, give it db-owner under owned schemas and roles.

    Tried the install 'use existing data base' -- failed again!!!

    This appears to be much more problematical than it should be.

    Like I said, I did not expect to actually have to start playing around with Managament Studio - I thought that Umbraco would look after that for me :(

    This is obviously down to my lack of knowledge of how SQL works and how umbraco interfaces with it --- but I thought I wasn't supposed to need that much!

    I am probably confused with terminology. When the install asks for 'Database User name' what exactly is it asking for? Why does it need a user -- surely it needs an admin??

    Anymore help you can give appreciated :)

  • Jonas Eriksson 930 posts 1825 karma points
    Sep 12, 2010 @ 14:17
    Jonas Eriksson

    Hi, I always create the db & user first in Management Studio. Doing so gives full control over the logins and db's. A bit of work it is, and easy to miss a step, I often do, can you confirm you have your login mapped to JamesGallery with Database Owner, Read and Write permissions. See steps 8 - 12 here

  • Geoff Baldwin 80 posts 100 karma points
    Sep 12, 2010 @ 16:03
    Geoff Baldwin


    MANY thanks for pointing me at that! Follwed the instructions there and have created a DB, and tested connecting with my umbracouser and it worked just fine.

    I am about to now attempt to complete the Umbraco install via WPI.

    Just to clarify for me:

    I have created a database JamesGallery and I m going to install Umbraco into a website in my Default Websites folder in IIS, Yes?

    I guess this website is 'linked' to the DB JamesGallery and will contain a connection string to it? So calling the Application JamesGallery as well would make some sense?

    So does this create a 'demo' website using the database (which will be filled with demo data?) which I can then play with and eventually modify to have my desired JamesGallery site which I can then publish to a 'live IIS server'?

    So when I want to develop a new site do I have to go through this all over again or does the install make stuff available to Visual Studio Express 2010?

    Apologies for the basic questions but I am finding this , and finding my way round the umbraco site for information, something of a challenge!
    EG _ I found some short videos introducing some of the concepts of Umbraco which I was going to watch, but blowed if I can find them again! (Should have bookmarked the page!)


  • Ferry Meidianto 36 posts 63 karma points
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 18:03
    Ferry Meidianto

    Hi Geoff,

    Installing umbraco via Web PI is convenient, but it always good to know the real step-by-step installation.
    Once you understand it, you will prefer manual installation I bet.
    The complete guide can be downloaded from:
    It's "Install guide for Vista" file.


  • Geoff Baldwin 80 posts 100 karma points
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 20:38
    Geoff Baldwin

    Hi Ferry

    Thanks for that. Had a quick look at it. I'm actually running on XP - I assume the salient bits are no different?

    On that subject - whats the difference between 'multiple websites' on Vista and having multiple 'sites' within the default site in XP?
    maybe I'll upgrade to Win7 :)


    By the way -- is there a way I can mark posts as helpful as opposed to 'the answer'. I tried to click on the High Five which appears to provide this but it appears I cant thank people in this way until I have answered questions myself (a tad unlikely at the moment!!)

  • Ferry Meidianto 36 posts 63 karma points
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 20:50
    Ferry Meidianto

    Hi Geoff,

    In XP you can only have 1 website because it's the behaviour in XP (IIS 5.1) - the only http://localhost/
    So the only way to be able to have multiple umbraco in XP is by using the multiple 'sites' feature the Umbraco has.

    I'm not sure about the rating mechanism, looks like just the High Five.

  • Geoff Baldwin 80 posts 100 karma points
    Sep 19, 2010 @ 12:00
    Geoff Baldwin

    Several helpful posts (Ferry, Richard.. thanks for taking your time to help) , which I can't mark as such as the forum won't let me :(

    Marked Jonas as solution as he pointed me at a very helpful document.

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