Don't worry, the webmatrix config here doesn't actually define how umbraco will connect. On this screen just put in some dummy details for a sql database... This connection information will be saved in webmatrix for the site, but you can delete it after.
When you run the actual Umbraco installer in a few steps time, you will be able to set the database as MySql.
How to install umbraco using webmatrix and choose a mysql data base?
I'm trying to install umbraco using WebMatrix and want to use MySQL database. The second installation step is to choose the database, what should I do to use the local MySQL database on my pc?
Don't worry, the webmatrix config here doesn't actually define how umbraco will connect. On this screen just put in some dummy details for a sql database... This connection information will be saved in webmatrix for the site, but you can delete it after.
When you run the actual Umbraco installer in a few steps time, you will be able to set the database as MySql.
Hope that gets you underway!
is working on a reply...