Public access settings lost when deploying site to new server
I've built a site locally which works fine, using a database on another server (DBServer).
I deploy the site to the test server (TestServer) by copying all files from my local machine, including the web.config, and setting up IIS in the usual way. The site on TestServer uses the same database on DBServer as the site on my local machine.
However, the public access settings I'd set on the home node on my local machine have been lost on the server version, leading to an exception being thrown.
My question is, where is this information stored, and how can I ensure that I don't have to manually set the Public Access settings on the home node each time I deploy to a new server?
Why aren't the public access settings stored in the database as all other settings? I am deploying Umbraco using continuous deployment and the public access settings get cleared on each deploy. Storing the access.config file means having a version of the file for each environment - Dev, Staging and Production, with the specific ID's of the pages. After reading the forums I see that Courier also doesn't deploy access.config. Also if the public access is edited in a distributed environment, the other servers will not get updated with the settings.
If i am assign same page to multiple group in public access then it's difficult to pass every group info in dictionary or web config so is there any way all the info. I can access from access.config in my code ?
Public access settings lost when deploying site to new server
I've built a site locally which works fine, using a database on another server (DBServer).
I deploy the site to the test server (TestServer) by copying all files from my local machine, including the web.config, and setting up IIS in the usual way. The site on TestServer uses the same database on DBServer as the site on my local machine.
However, the public access settings I'd set on the home node on my local machine have been lost on the server version, leading to an exception being thrown.
My question is, where is this information stored, and how can I ensure that I don't have to manually set the Public Access settings on the home node each time I deploy to a new server?
Thanks in advance!
In the app_data there is access.xml file copy that over as well thats where the information is stored.
Cheers Ismail - makes perfect sense! I'd done an export from Subversion and the access.xml file was not being source controlled.
Hi, David Conlisk.
I have same situation now.
1)Did you put appdata folder to Subversion? 2)As I know appdata folder must not be in Subversion. Is it Correct?
Why aren't the public access settings stored in the database as all other settings? I am deploying Umbraco using continuous deployment and the public access settings get cleared on each deploy. Storing the access.config file means having a version of the file for each environment - Dev, Staging and Production, with the specific ID's of the pages. After reading the forums I see that Courier also doesn't deploy access.config. Also if the public access is edited in a distributed environment, the other servers will not get updated with the settings.
How to access access.config information in my code (c#)?
If i am assign same page to multiple group in public access then it's difficult to pass every group info in dictionary or web config so is there any way all the info. I can access from access.config in my code ?
is working on a reply...