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  • Ast35 23 posts 44 karma points
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 12:46

    Problems with second IIS website entry with different domain name

    Basically, we've created a new Umbraco site to replace another site. We used a subdomain for it while we were working on it, and it worked fine. When it was ready to go live, we created a second IIS website entry for it (wishing to keep the original), but then we ran into a number of problems.

    Firstly, we got access errors for the umbraco.config file, so I changed the permissions on that to allow all users access. At that point, the site would at least load from both the live domain and the subdomain, but then imagegen thumbnails from newly added media items were not showing up on the live version.

    Here is the markup from an XSLT file -

    <img src="/imageGen.ashx?image={umbraco.library:UrlEncode(umbracoFile)}&amp;width={$thumbWidth}&amp;height={$thumbHeight}" width="{$thumbWidth}" height="{$thumbHeight}" alt="{@nodeName}" title="{@nodeName}" class="thumbnail" />

    As a temprorary mesasure, I made the URL absolute for the subdomain and the images are show. That's obviously not satisfactory though.

    Another problem is that XSLT files are not saving from the subdomain version. I tried changing the permissions on the individual files, but nothing.

    I'm new to Umbraco and my approach has obviously been quite wrong here, so I'd appreciate any help getting the site properly working at the live URL. Thanks in advance.

  • Paul Kaplan 86 posts 139 karma points
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 17:55
    Paul Kaplan

    Did you view source in a browser to see what is being generated?

  • Ast35 23 posts 44 karma points
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 18:02

    Thanks for the reply.

    Actually, I'd made a mistake setting it up in IIS. I've set it up correctly now.

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