We deployed umbraco DB and umbraco site on azure. The top level umbraco admin page works (abc.xyz.com/umbraco/login.aspx), however, we have multiple domains created (lmn.abc.xyz.com, pqr.abc.xyz.com and so on). We cannot see other websites coming up. The page just displays that these sites are available (abc.xyz.com). Your help is much appreciated in this regards.
umbraco on azure
We deployed umbraco DB and umbraco site on azure. The top level umbraco admin page works (abc.xyz.com/umbraco/login.aspx), however, we have multiple domains created (lmn.abc.xyz.com, pqr.abc.xyz.com and so on). We cannot see other websites coming up. The page just displays that these sites are available (abc.xyz.com). Your help is much appreciated in this regards.
Thank you.
What version of Umbraco are you using? I think v5 should just work. For v4 you need the accelerator.
similar problem has Pravin, I have used accelerator and hosted my umbraco app in azure blob storage.
but when I hit xxx.cloudapp.net, it list down all the sites hosted in IIS of accelerator in VM of azure [ those websites created from blob storage ]
But I want to run my app listed down by accelerator.......What to do?
Why not now use Windows Azure Websites for your scenario?
is working on a reply...