Hi gues I am getting the following error when trying to install umbraco 5 on cloud/shared hosting...seen that this is a known issue that was fixed in 5.01 but I have just installed that version and I am getting this error
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\sites\s\mydomain.com\public_html\bin\'.
but I only get it once...then if I reload the page the server shows me the directory stucture....I want the install screen the only way I can get it to show the error again is if I rycle the application pool for the domain...
Umbraco 5 Shared Hosting
Hi gues I am getting the following error when trying to install umbraco 5 on cloud/shared hosting...seen that this is a known issue that was fixed in 5.01 but I have just installed that version and I am getting this error
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\sites\s\mydomain.com\public_html\bin\'.
but I only get it once...then if I reload the page the server shows me the directory stucture....I want the install screen the only way I can get it to show the error again is if I rycle the application pool for the domain...
any ideas anyone having the same problem?
is working on a reply...