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  • Lee Bell 11 posts 31 karma points
    May 11, 2012 @ 17:41
    Lee Bell

    So frustrating trying to install Umbraco for 2 days!

    Hi guys. Ive been trying to install Umbraco for 2 days and have followed countless online instructions and posts on here to make it work. In frustration i'm going to leave a post on here and hopefully have a good answer ready to give it a go again on Monday.


    Here's the log if my failed install:

    [16:23:992]Performing synchronization pass #1.
    [16:23:994]Parameter entry 'Application Path/1' is applicable to 'iisApp/umbraco' because of its scope.
        name: Application Path
    [16:23:994]Parameter entry 'SetAclAppData/1' is applicable to 'setAcl/umbraco\app_data' because of its scope.
        name: SetAclAppData
    [16:23:994]Parameter entry 'SetAclAppPlugins/1' is applicable to 'setAcl/umbraco\app_plugins' because of its scope.
        name: SetAclAppPlugins
    [16:23:995]Parameter entry 'SetAclAreas/1' is applicable to 'setAcl/umbraco\areas' because of its scope.
        name: SetAclAreas
    [16:23:995]Parameter entry 'SetAclBin/1' is applicable to 'setAcl/umbraco\bin' because of its scope.
        name: SetAclBin
    [16:23:995]Parameter entry 'SetAclContent/1' is applicable to 'setAcl/umbraco\content' because of its scope.
        name: SetAclContent
    [16:23:995]Parameter entry 'SetAclScripts/1' is applicable to 'setAcl/umbraco\scripts' because of its scope.
        name: SetAclScripts
    [16:23:995]Parameter entry 'SetAclViews/1' is applicable to 'setAcl/umbraco\views' because of its scope.
        name: SetAclViews
    [16:23:995]Parameter entry 'SetAclWebConfig/1' is applicable to 'setAcl/umbraco\web.config' because of its scope.
        name: SetAclWebConfig
    [16:23:996]Parameter entry 'Connection String/1' is applicable to 'dbFullSql/installSQL.sql' because of its scope.
        name: Connection String
    [16:23:9]Adding msdeploy.iisApp (msdeploy.iisApp).
        operationType: Add
        providerName: msdeploy.iisApp
        path: msdeploy.iisApp
    [16:23:10]Source createApp (umbraco) does not match destination (Default Web Site/) differing in attributes (isDest,managedRuntimeVersion,enable32BitAppOnWin64,managedPipelineMode,applicationPool,appExists). Update pending.
    [16:23:10]Update operation on createApp (umbraco) skipped because of rule ApplicationExistsRule.
        rule: ApplicationExistsRule
        operationType: Update
    [16:23:89]Source setAcl (umbraco\app_data) does not match destination (Default Web Site//app_data) differing in attributes (isDest,setAclUser,setAclAccess). Update pending.
    [16:23:89]Updating setAcl (Default Web Site//app_data).
        operationType: Update
        providerName: setAcl
        path: Default Web Site//app_data
    [16:23:101]Source setAcl (umbraco\app_plugins) does not match destination (Default Web Site//app_plugins) differing in attributes (isDest,setAclUser,setAclAccess). Update pending.
    [16:23:101]Updating setAcl (Default Web Site//app_plugins).
        operationType: Update
        providerName: setAcl
        path: Default Web Site//app_plugins
    [16:23:113]Source setAcl (umbraco\areas) does not match destination (Default Web Site//areas) differing in attributes (isDest,setAclUser,setAclAccess). Update pending.
    [16:23:113]Updating setAcl (Default Web Site//areas).
        operationType: Update
        providerName: setAcl
        path: Default Web Site//areas
    [16:23:325]Source setAcl (umbraco\bin) does not match destination (Default Web Site//bin) differing in attributes (isDest,setAclUser,setAclAccess). Update pending.
    [16:23:325]Updating setAcl (Default Web Site//bin).
        operationType: Update
        providerName: setAcl
        path: Default Web Site//bin
    [16:23:336]Source setAcl (umbraco\content) does not match destination (Default Web Site//content) differing in attributes (isDest,setAclUser,setAclAccess). Update pending.
    [16:23:336]Updating setAcl (Default Web Site//content).
        operationType: Update
        providerName: setAcl
        path: Default Web Site//content
    [16:23:339]Source setAcl (umbraco\scripts) does not match destination (Default Web Site//scripts) differing in attributes (isDest,setAclUser,setAclAccess). Update pending.
    [16:23:339]Updating setAcl (Default Web Site//scripts).
        operationType: Update
        providerName: setAcl
        path: Default Web Site//scripts
    [16:23:341]Source setAcl (umbraco\views) does not match destination (Default Web Site//views) differing in attributes (isDest,setAclUser,setAclAccess). Update pending.
    [16:23:341]Updating setAcl (Default Web Site//views).
        operationType: Update
        providerName: setAcl
        path: Default Web Site//views
    [16:23:345]Source setAcl (umbraco\web.config) does not match destination (Default Web Site//web.config) differing in attributes (isDest,setAclUser,setAclAccess). Update pending.
    [16:23:346]Updating setAcl (Default Web Site//web.config).
        operationType: Update
        providerName: setAcl
        path: Default Web Site//web.config
    [16:23:347]Source dbFullSql (installSQL.sql) does not match destination (server=.\sqlexpress;database=Lee;uid=sa) differing in attributes (databaseName). Update pending.
    [16:23:347]Adding dbFullSql (server=.\sqlexpress;database=Lee;uid=sa).
        operationType: Add
        providerName: dbFullSql
        path: server=.\sqlexpress;database=Lee;uid=sa
    [16:23:351]Creating database 'Lee'.
    [16:23:289]Parameter entry 'Database Name/1' is applicable to 'msdeploy.iisApp/dbFullSql[@path='installSQL.sql']/sqlScript' because of its scope.
        name: Database Name
    [16:23:326]Parameter entry 'Database Username/1' is applicable to 'msdeploy.iisApp/dbFullSql[@path='installSQL.sql']/sqlScript' because of its scope.
        name: Database Username
    [16:23:346]Parameter entry 'Database Password/1' is applicable to 'msdeploy.iisApp/dbFullSql[@path='installSQL.sql']/sqlScript' because of its scope.
        name: Database Password
    [16:23:346]Source sqlScript (msdeploy.iisApp/dbFullSql[@path='installSQL.sql']/sqlScript) replaced with changed attributes (checksum['1913000116','3320517228']) because of rule Parameterization.
        rule: Parameterization
    [16:23:348]Adding child sqlScript (msdeploy.iisApp/dbFullSql[@path='server=.\sqlexpress;database=Lee;uid=sa']/sqlScript).
        operationType: AddChild
        providerName: sqlScript
        path: msdeploy.iisApp/dbFullSql[@path='server=.\sqlexpress;database=Lee;uid=sa']/sqlScript
    [16:23:348]Getting stream data for 'sqlScript' ('msdeploy.iisApp/dbFullSql[@path='installSQL.sql']/sqlScript').
    [16:23:350]Opening SQL Connection with connection string 'data source=.\sqlexpress;initial catalog=Lee;user id=sa;pooling=False'. The 'transacted' setting for this connection is 'False'.
    [16:23:603]Executing lines 1 to 46 of the script:
    EXCEPTION: Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentDetailedClientServerException: An error occurred during execution of the database script. The error occurred between the following lines of the script: "1" and "46". The verbose log might have more information about the error. The command started with the following:
     Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is not complex enough.
    'umbracouser' is not a valid login or you do not have permission.
    User or role 'umbracouser' does not exist in this database.
    User or role 'umbracouser' does not exist in this database.
    User or role 'umbracouser' does not exist in this database.
    User or role 'umbracouser' does not exist in this database.
    -- Creating login
    -- Creating user
    -- Adding user
    -- Adding user
    -- Adding user
    -- Adding user ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is not complex enough.
    'umbracouser' is not a valid login or you do not have permission.
    User or role 'umbracouser' does not exist in this database.
    User or role 'umbracouser' does not exist in this database.
    User or role 'umbracouser' does not exist in this database.
    User or role 'umbracouser' does not exist in this database.
    -- Creating login
    -- Creating user
    -- Adding user
    -- Adding user
    -- Adding user
    -- Adding user
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DBStatementInfo.Execute(DbConnection connection, DbTransaction transaction, DeploymentBaseContext baseContext, Int32 timeout)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DBStatementInfo.Execute(DbConnection connection, DbTransaction transaction, DeploymentBaseContext baseContext, Int32 timeout)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DBConnectionWrapper.ExecuteSql(DBStatementInfo sqlStatement, DeploymentBaseContext baseContext, Int32 timeout)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.SqlScriptToDBProvider.AddHelper(DeploymentObject source, Boolean whatIf)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.SqlScriptToDBProvider.Add(DeploymentObject source, Boolean whatIf)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentObject.AddChild(DeploymentObject source, Int32 position, DeploymentSyncContext syncContext)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentSyncContext.HandleAddChild(DeploymentObject destParent, DeploymentObject sourceObject, Int32 position)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentSyncContext.SyncChildrenOrder(DeploymentObject dest, DeploymentObject source)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentSyncContext.SyncChildren(DeploymentObject dest, DeploymentObject source)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentSyncContext.SyncChildrenOrder(DeploymentObject dest, DeploymentObject source)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentSyncContext.SyncChildren(DeploymentObject dest, DeploymentObject source)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentSyncContext.ProcessSync(DeploymentObject destinationObject, DeploymentObject sourceObject)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentObject.SyncToInternal(DeploymentObject destObject, DeploymentSyncOptions syncOptions, PayloadTable payloadTable, ContentRootTable contentRootTable)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentObject.SyncTo(DeploymentProviderOptions providerOptions, DeploymentBaseOptions baseOptions, DeploymentSyncOptions syncOptions)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentObject.SyncTo(String provider, String path, DeploymentBaseOptions baseOptions, DeploymentSyncOptions syncOptions)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentObject.SyncTo(DeploymentWellKnownProvider provider, String path, DeploymentBaseOptions baseOptions, DeploymentSyncOptions syncOptions)
       at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentObject.SyncTo(DeploymentBaseOptions baseOptions, DeploymentSyncOptions syncOptions)
       at Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.MSDeployProxy.Install(InstallerContext context, RemoteCredentials remoteCredentials)

  • jaygreasley 416 posts 403 karma points
    May 11, 2012 @ 19:42


    You don't say what version or what instructions you followed, but the first thing I see there is:

    Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is not complex enough.
    'umbracouser' is not a valid login or you do not have permission.
    User or role 'umbracouser' does not exist in this database.

    This may give you a clue as to where the problem lies.


  • Lee Bell 11 posts 31 karma points
    May 14, 2012 @ 09:46
    Lee Bell

    Hi there. Thanks for the reply Jay. Its Umbraco CMS5 and i used the instructions from the following link:

    So if the default umbracouser i not a valid login, what should i be logging in as? Any help would be greatly appreciated as im a newbie to this.




  • jaygreasley 416 posts 403 karma points
    May 14, 2012 @ 10:52

    Hi Lee

    Right, they look like v4 instructions.

    I'd start afresh by going to

    One other thing though. v5 is still in it's very early stages. IMHO you are best off learning itrather than v4 but just be aware that there are a few performance issues and that it may not have the same number of packages and documentation available as the older version.



  • Lee Bell 11 posts 31 karma points
    May 14, 2012 @ 11:14
    Lee Bell

    Hi Jay. My manager has actually pointed out i should be installing version 4, not version 5. I'll try installing version 4 given the original instructions i should be using.


    Cheers for the advice friend.

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