This should indeed be possible. What database does your shared host support? And have you been in contact with them to figure out wether they support Umbraco installations or not?
I recommend that you install Umbraco 4.11.4 instead of the mentioned version above since a critical bug that has existed since 4.10 has been fixed in this version. It will save you some work :)
But as mentioned above try contacting the web hosting company to make sure they support Umbraco.
Installing umbraco 4.11.3 on windows 2003 iis 6 and shared web hosting
Hi, im new in this and i want to install umbraco 4.11.3 on windows 2003 iis 6 and in a shared web hosting.
Somebody knows if its possible?
Hi Gerado nd welcome to our :)
This should indeed be possible. What database does your shared host support? And have you been in contact with them to figure out wether they support Umbraco installations or not?
I recommend that you install Umbraco 4.11.4 instead of the mentioned version above since a critical bug that has existed since 4.10 has been fixed in this version. It will save you some work :)
But as mentioned above try contacting the web hosting company to make sure they support Umbraco.
Hope this helps.
is working on a reply...