Usually it can be enought to simply clear the ClientDependency cache stuff from the App_Data/TEMP folder.
If that does not help then try to increment the version attribute in the /config/ClientDependency.config file...
Now...if that does not help can you then tell us if you're using some mime-types locally that the server knows that the production server does not know? This can also be the cause.
Assuming you are talking reference your site page rather than the Umbraco backend -
Check the routes of your css files . if you are using ~/css/xxx.css it should be ok, however a /css or an absolute call ie http will probably not be correct on the local server.
If your problems occure in the backend of Umbraco, make sure that the "apppool-user" running Umbraco is a member of IIS_IUSRS. In most cases when you have created a new website in IIS, there will be a new apppool with the same name. So, if you named your site "mysite", the user will be "IIS AppPool\mysite". Or try this:
Install Process Explorer on the machine running your Umbraco.
Rightclick on the columns and add "User name".
Find your Umbraco process, looking for "w3wp.exe" (under svchost).
Check username.
Give this user the necessary rights to the umbraco-folder, adding it manually using "IIS AppPool\xxxx", where xxxx is the name of your apppool-user. I always manually add the apppool-user to the folder, and this always works for me.
No styling on Windows 7
I have installed a local version og my production site on a Windows 7 following this excellent guide
but my page pops up without any styling. IIS_USRS has full control over the home folder and the App pool is v4.0 Integrated mode.
btw - it's the new 6.0.2 which seems to run excellent on my production site.
Any ideas
(Paul S
Hi Paul
This can be caused by a few things.
Usually it can be enought to simply clear the ClientDependency cache stuff from the App_Data/TEMP folder.
If that does not help then try to increment the version attribute in the /config/ClientDependency.config file...
Now...if that does not help can you then tell us if you're using some mime-types locally that the server knows that the production server does not know? This can also be the cause.
Hope some of the above pointers help.
I already tried all of this without luck - not sure where to check the mime types
/Paul S
Hi Paul
Assuming you are talking reference your site page rather than the Umbraco backend -
Check the routes of your css files . if you are using ~/css/xxx.css it should be ok, however a /css or an absolute call ie http will probably not be correct on the local server.
If your problems occure in the backend of Umbraco, make sure that the "apppool-user" running Umbraco is a member of IIS_IUSRS. In most cases when you have created a new website in IIS, there will be a new apppool with the same name. So, if you named your site "mysite", the user will be "IIS AppPool\mysite".
Or try this:
Give this user the necessary rights to the umbraco-folder, adding it manually using "IIS AppPool\xxxx", where xxxx is the name of your apppool-user.
I always manually add the apppool-user to the folder, and this always works for me.
The permission of the root folder of the site was insufficient - it works fine now
/Paul S
is working on a reply...