Using normal masterpages when defaultRenderingEngine is set to Mvc?
I have a 6.0 site that was developed using "traditional" masterpages in the templates section, but I'd like to install uBlogsy and possibly other things that require MVC. How does this work if I change "defaultRenderingEngine" to Mvc? WIll everything break?
If I remember correctly you should be able to run "hybrid" meaning that your stuff will still work. However if you're using a user control to post a form for instance you will have to refactor the form you won't be able to post it. But if you just use user controls to display data you should be fine.
You can try to switch and see if it works - you can always switch back. But do take a backup just in case...:)
Using normal masterpages when defaultRenderingEngine is set to Mvc?
I have a 6.0 site that was developed using "traditional" masterpages in the templates section, but I'd like to install uBlogsy and possibly other things that require MVC. How does this work if I change "defaultRenderingEngine" to Mvc? WIll everything break?
Hi Amir
If I remember correctly you should be able to run "hybrid" meaning that your stuff will still work. However if you're using a user control to post a form for instance you will have to refactor the form you won't be able to post it. But if you just use user controls to display data you should be fine.
You can try to switch and see if it works - you can always switch back. But do take a backup just in case...:)
is working on a reply...