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  • Jacky 24 posts 104 karma points
    Sep 24, 2013 @ 08:02

    Deploy multiple content website from source admin backend

    Dear All,

    How I can deploy multiple content website with the same content from source admin backend? 

    I installed a umbraco and set up a new website,  I'd like to deploy the same website to 3 servers as load balance. I tried to copy the publish folder and connected the same database, but I was failed. The other websites except the source website need to re-publish the same pages? Terrible!

    I tried to search more about this subject, maybe Umbraco Courier can do that, but it needs license, I can't deep moe.


    Pleae help me if you have any idea.

    Best Regards,




  • Jeroen Breuer 4909 posts 12266 karma points MVP 5x admin c-trib
    Sep 24, 2013 @ 12:14
    Jeroen Breuer

    Umbraco uses an xml cache. If you have multiple environments using the same database the cache won't be updated unless you republish the node or do "Republish entire site" on the Content node.

    In the umbracoSettings.config there also is a XmlCacheEnabled property. If you set it to false you don't need to republish, but make sure you set it to true before going live.


  • Peter Duncanson 430 posts 1360 karma points c-trib
    Sep 24, 2013 @ 16:19
    Peter Duncanson

    You'll need to get all the sites talking to each other so that a publish on the backend gets pushed out to all the other server. Have you read the updated docs on load balancing from Umbraco HQ?

  • Jacky 24 posts 104 karma points
    Sep 24, 2013 @ 17:42

    Dear Peter,

    Thank you very much!

    The article is very useful for this matter, but it's too complex to me.

    Do you have a sample for me reference or more details about it?

    Actually we are planning to purchase Umbraco's services, but now I must re-evaluate it again since the architecture of deployment is very very important to our company.

    Best Regards,


  • Peter Duncanson 430 posts 1360 karma points c-trib
    Sep 24, 2013 @ 18:04
    Peter Duncanson

    Hi Jacky,

    Sadly getting a load balanced setup is never a simple thing, to get it right involves some complexity regardless of which system you us. Umbraco does a fine job of managing a load balanced CMS environment but like any system that needs some knowledge and setting up.

    What are the needs or your website? If we knew them then we might be able to answer some of your worries and hopefully ease your mind. It could be that you don't actually need the setup you think you do, if you can have a simpler setup then always go for that.

    Something must have attracted you to Umbraco in the first place I wonder why you are so quick to leave it? Hopefully we can find out :)



  • Jacky 24 posts 104 karma points
    Sep 25, 2013 @ 05:23

    Dear Peter,

    To express my thanks, I would like tell you more, actually I investigation Umbraco more than one month.

    For simple question or simple function, I am tired for no answer of more and more search, more and more ask questions, more and more email to help desk.

    I only want ensure whether Umbraco can meet our requirements and pay for it, and what we need is so common.

    I will investigate what you mentioned more,  my boss said to me we must give up if these don't support.

    Maybe this can be solved by Courier, but I need to resume investigate it.  [Courier can't do that after I watched the videos about it.]

    Anyway, thank you very much!

    Best Regards,





  • Jacky 24 posts 104 karma points
    Sep 25, 2013 @ 12:26

    Dear Peter,

    I found an example for load balance on the TVs of Umbraco, but it was cut almost 80% as follow link, that let me so down, but I still would like to share with you. Thanks.

    Best Regards,


  • Jason Chiu 7 posts 10 karma points
    Sep 26, 2013 @ 13:35
    Jason Chiu

    Hi Jacky,

    We are running 14 websites on one single instance of Umbraco backoffice across 4 load balanced web servers and 2 load balanced backoffice servers and we do not experience any publishing issue at all.

    Per's load balancing setup video tutorial was the way we followed and made some tweaking of our own with the help of load balancing documentation.

    What is the concern/issue you are having or struggling with?  Maybe I can share my experience with you.



  • Jacky 24 posts 104 karma points
    Sep 29, 2013 @ 12:00

    Dear Jason,

    I can't add more the same website for load balance when the distributed settings work good.

    1, Set these DNS in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts localhost admin.umbraco.local server1.umbraco.local server2.umbraco.local

    2, Set IIS

    Host name: admin.umbraco.local ; Port:8070; Physical Path: E:\Deployments\UmbracoCmsAdmin

    Host name: server1.umbraco.local; Port:8071; Physical Path: E:\Deployments\UmbracoCmsServer1

    Host name: server2.umbraco.local; Port:8072; Physical Path: E:\Deployments\UmbracoCmsServer2

    3, Install Umbraco into E:\Deployments\UmbracoCmsAdmin with simple template online.

    4, Copy all the files from E:\Deployments\UmbracoCmsAdmin to E:\Deployments\UmbracoCmsServer1 & E:\Deployments\UmbracoCmsServer2.

    5, Set config

    5.1, Add these settings in Web.config of admin & server1 & server2

    <machineKey validationKey="D70E11DC9966D22E8227F7F0574C25EECAD82FD44EBFAC02A3E40D434E142CEE4FBC9DD6F151EB82875FDC25D777B40F7B5EC5C4E711C26A770338F1FF9F291D" decryptionKey="B406E7A104E8B4FA818F1DBF1DA06D9BD2BA837A452647D9858516234BADA88C" validation="SHA1" decryption="AES" />

    5.2, Change these settings in ~\Config\umbracoSettings.config of admin & server1 & server2

      <distributedCall enable="true">
            <server forceProtocol="http" forcePortnumber="8070">admin.umbraco.local</server>
            <server forceProtocol="http" forcePortnumber="8071">server1.umbraco.local</server>
            <server forceProtocol="http" forcePortnumber="8072">server2.umbraco.local</server>

    5.3, Change these setting in Web.config of server1 & server2

    <add key="umbracoContentXML" value="~/App_Data/TEMP/umbraco.config" /> from <add key="umbracoContentXML" value="~/App_Data/umbraco.config" />

    5.4, Delete these in server1 & server2


    6, Test

    If change "test content" at admin.umbraco.local, that will distribute the change to server1,server2.

    7. Problems

    Add "server3" as "server1" - copy all files from "admit" except "~\AppData\Logs" & "~\AppData\TEMP" and set the config as "server1". If change "test content" at admin.umbraco.local, that will distribute to server1,server2 also, but not to "server3".

    I don't know what's happened.

    Please help me out, thank you very much!

  • Jacky 24 posts 104 karma points
    Sep 29, 2013 @ 14:45

    If delete these folders in "server3", it can refresh to new content.


    But change new content at "admin" and publish again, "server3" still can't change with the same content. :(

  • Jason Chiu 7 posts 10 karma points
    Sep 30, 2013 @ 10:22
    Jason Chiu

    Hi Jacky,

    Firstly did you add your server 3 in your distributedCall server list?  If your server 3 setup is identical to your server 1 & 2 then there is no reason for the cache refresher not to work.

    Is that the live environment in your description above, as it is slightly strange you have all your servers in one machine...

    I would advise not to delete your ~\App_Data\Logs directory and files in it as thi is used by 'log4net' unless you have repointed this to different location.



  • Jacky 24 posts 104 karma points
    Oct 03, 2013 @ 10:43

    Dear Jason,

    It is fixed when I restarted my connection in IIS.

    Thank you very much!

    Best Regards, Jacky.Huang

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