Hi, hoping someone can advised, I've had a little search and
there only appear to be 2-3 topics in the past couple of years.
Bit of background, new Umbraco but not new to CMS (currently run
Alterian/SDL). In progress of building a new corporate site using Umbraco, not
live yet currently have around 30k nodes. Along with the main corporate site we
also have 6+ Sub sites on the same install of Alterain but run on a separate
live server, as everything is in the DB in SDL content and Binaries can easily
be shared, with Umbraco my understanding is that binary goes to the folder
So eventually the question, I've been tasked with
configuring/assessing the best way to proceed. Am I better:
1.Configure a completely separate machine for all sub sites, be it
physical or virtual? Obvious advantage here would be either machine fails then
other site aren’t affected. But as mentioned above I’m guessing we couldn’t
share binary content?
2.Just add another site to the existing one, fresh template folder
and away we go. Single DB and single WebApp folder?
3.Some kind of middle ground, but I’m not sure what
To add to the structure, the current umbraco live is actually 2
clustered server. Behind that we have a staging environment and a dev.
Multiple 'sub' sites to main install
Hi, hoping someone can advised, I've had a little search and there only appear to be 2-3 topics in the past couple of years.
Bit of background, new Umbraco but not new to CMS (currently run Alterian/SDL). In progress of building a new corporate site using Umbraco, not live yet currently have around 30k nodes. Along with the main corporate site we also have 6+ Sub sites on the same install of Alterain but run on a separate live server, as everything is in the DB in SDL content and Binaries can easily be shared, with Umbraco my understanding is that binary goes to the folder structure?
So eventually the question, I've been tasked with configuring/assessing the best way to proceed. Am I better:
1. Configure a completely separate machine for all sub sites, be it physical or virtual? Obvious advantage here would be either machine fails then other site aren’t affected. But as mentioned above I’m guessing we couldn’t share binary content?
2. Just add another site to the existing one, fresh template folder and away we go. Single DB and single WebApp folder?
3. Some kind of middle ground, but I’m not sure what
To add to the structure, the current umbraco live is actually 2 clustered server. Behind that we have a staging environment and a dev.
Any pointers really appreciated.
I would go for option 2.
You can than have different web servers for each website and one for the backend. They all share the same database. Then you get something like.
Server A : cms.yoursite.com. This server is used to edit the content for all sites
Server B : yoursite1.com
Server C : yoursite2.com
You will need to configure distributed calls in Umbraco so that content changes get pushed to the different webservers. More documentation here : http://our.umbraco.org/documentation/installation/load-balancing ;
You can configure Umbraco to read the files from a shared folder. So on Server A you share the media folder.
You than configure the filesystem provider to use the shared folder for files :
In FileSystemProviders.config you get something like this :
Thanks would a single DB though become a single point of failure and effectively wipe all sub sites and main one?
That could be the case. But never had this happen to me before.
is working on a reply...