Can't publish files and images after upgrade from 6.0.6 to 7.0.4
Hi our
So im a little desperate...
I had a full working Website on Umbraco 6.0.6. now i Upgraded to 7.0.4 and i got a big issue now... similar issues have already been reported but anything wont fix my problem
So however.. as i creat an Item and publish it, it works pretty fine as long as i dont attach a PDF file or an image... i can't publisch any Documents within my Items and that's hella important for my webpage
no entrys in the tracelog...
as i save and publish the Item it will start Publishing but never succeed... but neither is there any error Massage except through the developpers tool in my browser (i use mozilla firefox)
the error Message in my browser states: empty String forwarded to getElemntById()
and also : no element found...
i cant figure out why i cant upload a file thats located in my mediafolder...
What exact steps did you take upgrading the solution? Can you please provide as much details as possible? I suspect that some files are missing for some reason and perhaps some merges of the /config/ files have not been done?
It's possible - Whenever an upgrade is done it's a good idea to rebuild the indexes and make sure to bust the umbraco backoffice cache as well.
So in the developer section you can rebuild the examine index and by going to /config/ClientDependencyConfig.config you can bump the version number in the version attribute and then recycle the app pool and see if that helps any as well.
For now i went back to 6.2.5 Because I need to Analyize the website if there are options to make the Site "smoother" because it was build by a firts Year trainee and there are many things to Improve. But as soon as i Analyzed everything i'll go back to the upgrade and see what will happen...
Can't publish files and images after upgrade from 6.0.6 to 7.0.4
Hi our
So im a little desperate...
I had a full working Website on Umbraco 6.0.6. now i Upgraded to 7.0.4 and i got a big issue now... similar issues have already been reported but anything wont fix my problem
So however.. as i creat an Item and publish it, it works pretty fine as long as i dont attach a PDF file or an image... i can't publisch any Documents within my Items and that's hella important for my webpage
no entrys in the tracelog...
as i save and publish the Item it will start Publishing but never succeed... but neither is there any error Massage except through the developpers tool in my browser (i use mozilla firefox) the error Message in my browser states: empty String forwarded to getElemntById() and also : no element found...
i cant figure out why i cant upload a file thats located in my mediafolder...
hoping any of you guys might help me
Hi Nicolas
What exact steps did you take upgrading the solution? Can you please provide as much details as possible? I suspect that some files are missing for some reason and perhaps some merges of the /config/ files have not been done?
Hi jan
I copied over the config, bin, Install, macroscripts Folder and the Global, Default, and the config file.
in General i followed the Version specific upgrade from our. so there should me nothing wrong with my update i think...
Unfortunately i can't give you more details because thats all i did...
Hi Nicolas
Ok, so you have also read this part of the documentation?
Hi Jan
Yep i Have. but I just realized i didn't rebuild the examine cache... might this cause the error?
Hi Nicolas
It's possible - Whenever an upgrade is done it's a good idea to rebuild the indexes and make sure to bust the umbraco backoffice cache as well.
So in the developer section you can rebuild the examine index and by going to /config/ClientDependencyConfig.config you can bump the version number in the version attribute and then recycle the app pool and see if that helps any as well.
Hi Jan
For now i went back to 6.2.5 Because I need to Analyize the website if there are options to make the Site "smoother" because it was build by a firts Year trainee and there are many things to Improve. But as soon as i Analyzed everything i'll go back to the upgrade and see what will happen...
is working on a reply...