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  • dave 36 posts 149 karma points
    Jun 06, 2015 @ 19:41

    Google Analytics - best practice

    What is the current best practice for hooking up Google Analytics to umbracco?

    I am on 7.2.5 currently.


    Thanks -dave

  • Jan Skovgaard 11280 posts 23678 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    Jun 07, 2015 @ 10:13
    Jan Skovgaard

    Hi Dave

    What do you have in mind when you say "hooking up"? Is it how to setup Google analytics on your website? Or is it also having access to the Google dashboards etc. from within the Umbraco backoffice?

    For the first part nothing special is required for setting up Google analytics in Umbraco - It's done like you would do on any other site, whether it be wordpress, drupal, static HMTL etc. - All you need to do is to place the GA script in either the <head> section or before the </body> tag.

    So it does not require anything special - When the script is in place you can setup event tracking etc. which can be done by hooking into the "click" event for instance if you need to track how many people are signing up for the newsletter etc. - It's entirely up to you :).

    If you want to be able to access the Google dashboards within the Umbraco backoffice you should checkout this package - But be aware that it's not something that automatically enables Google analytics on the frontend facing website. It just gives you the opportunity to manage your GA setup from within Umbraco.

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