I've currently got a few Umbraco sites, which run on two windows 2003 servers, sat behind a load balancer. All the files are replicated between the two servers.
I've setup addresses in the HOSTS files, and also in the IIS host headers so that the two servers have a unique address, I have then put both these addresses into the distributed calls section of the Umbraco config file.
The disk is always up to date (give or take a few seconds), courtesy of the file replication, however often when data is published on the one server, the other server does not refresh the "in memory" cache, and an app pool recycle, or similar is required to force the other server to update.
I upgraded to 4.0.3 in the hope that it would improve things, and initially it seemed that it was working every time, however I find now that it is "temperamental" sometimes the other server updates, other times not.
I'm also considering "cloud" offerings, and after yesterdays talks on Amazon EC2 and Azure, it seems like it might be a possibility, but if two fixed servers aren't syncing, then how I'd get dynamic servers to sync, I do not know.
So, my question is, does anyone else know what might be the cause of the occasional non syncing, or have distributed calls set up and working in Umbraco?
Load Balancing
I've currently got a few Umbraco sites, which run on two windows 2003 servers, sat behind a load balancer. All the files are replicated between the two servers.
I've setup addresses in the HOSTS files, and also in the IIS host headers so that the two servers have a unique address, I have then put both these addresses into the distributed calls section of the Umbraco config file.
The disk is always up to date (give or take a few seconds), courtesy of the file replication, however often when data is published on the one server, the other server does not refresh the "in memory" cache, and an app pool recycle, or similar is required to force the other server to update.
I upgraded to 4.0.3 in the hope that it would improve things, and initially it seemed that it was working every time, however I find now that it is "temperamental" sometimes the other server updates, other times not.
I'm also considering "cloud" offerings, and after yesterdays talks on Amazon EC2 and Azure, it seems like it might be a possibility, but if two fixed servers aren't syncing, then how I'd get dynamic servers to sync, I do not know.
So, my question is, does anyone else know what might be the cause of the occasional non syncing, or have distributed calls set up and working in Umbraco?
Also, has anybody other than Condé nast got umbraco working in the cloud, either Amazon, or Azure?
is working on a reply...