Can we switch from manual Umbraco updates to NuGet?
We've been manually installing/updating our Umbraco site since v6.something, and wondering if there's now a way to continue our upgrades but doing so through NuGet, since it seems to minimize some steps. (Especially as we're working on a 7.2.8 to 7.3.1 upgrade which includes a move to MVC5.)
Because I'm a NuGet newbie, I'm running across various errors when I open our existing site in Visual Studio 2013 and try to use the "Update-Package UmbracoCms" command, because it doesn't think Umbraco is part of that solution. (We get "Unable to find package "UmbracoCms".)
I presume I'm doing things the wrong way here, and should probably continue using the manual install approach, unless we were to create new Umbraco sites in which case NuGet seems pretty straightforward.
Neither the solution nor the single project under it show any NuGet packages installed (which makes sense I guess, since we've always installed manually til this point).
I was just trying save some time on future upgrades by using NuGet, but sounds like maybe we're stuck doing manual upgrades unless I install a new site from the get-go using NuGet and then pulling the existing site into that. But that's likely more work than continuing with manual upgrades.
Can we switch from manual Umbraco updates to NuGet?
We've been manually installing/updating our Umbraco site since v6.something, and wondering if there's now a way to continue our upgrades but doing so through NuGet, since it seems to minimize some steps. (Especially as we're working on a 7.2.8 to 7.3.1 upgrade which includes a move to MVC5.)
Because I'm a NuGet newbie, I'm running across various errors when I open our existing site in Visual Studio 2013 and try to use the "Update-Package UmbracoCms" command, because it doesn't think Umbraco is part of that solution. (We get "Unable to find package "UmbracoCms".)
I presume I'm doing things the wrong way here, and should probably continue using the manual install approach, unless we were to create new Umbraco sites in which case NuGet seems pretty straightforward.
Has the solution got multiple projects and are you targeting the right project when you run that command ?
Sorry if that's a bit obvious :)
Neither the solution nor the single project under it show any NuGet packages installed (which makes sense I guess, since we've always installed manually til this point).
I was just trying save some time on future upgrades by using NuGet, but sounds like maybe we're stuck doing manual upgrades unless I install a new site from the get-go using NuGet and then pulling the existing site into that. But that's likely more work than continuing with manual upgrades.
is working on a reply...