Content editor disappears when upgrading to 7.4 from NUGET
I upgraded my project from 7.3 to 7.4 via NUGET. The content editor for all pages has now vanished. I can select a page but the right hand side is just white.
I get the following error in the javascript console...
ui.sortable: ngModel not provided!
I can see the page content view passed in in the innerHTML property.
We have a tight setup in TFS, the build which started failing was a release branch originating from an upgrade branch (7.3.8 to 7.4.3) which had already been thoroughly tested and merged back. All was fine until I started testing the release branch!
So yea, once i'd tweaked my applicationHost.config so I could spin up a new instance in IISExpress, I normally clear out all the cached crap and clear out the browser caches too and that's when I started getting blank panels.
No build, rebuild or further attempts at clearing stuff out seemed to work. I can only assume that something very weird happened in the nuget file restore in this particular branch because a nuget -reinstall of UmbracoCms was the only way I could get things working again.
Content editor disappears when upgrading to 7.4 from NUGET
I upgraded my project from 7.3 to 7.4 via NUGET. The content editor for all pages has now vanished. I can select a page but the right hand side is just white.
I get the following error in the javascript console...
ui.sortable: ngModel not provided!
I can see the page content view passed in in the innerHTML property.
Any ideas?
Clearing the browser cache solved this problem for my users.
Ok thanks. Luckily I can't blush on a forum.
I have the same problem, clearing the cache isnt working for me. Any ideas?
After A LOT of frustration, and weirdly affecting only two projects I resorted to a nuget -reinstall and rebuild.
Upon running up the project local...still not working, cleared the cache one more time and started working again.
Very odd!
Did you remember to build after the upgrade before going to the site?
I've given up trying to understand the reasoning behind the aggressive Umbraco cache but FYI here is how you can fully clear it.
Regards M
Thanks for input.
To make it really clear....
We have a tight setup in TFS, the build which started failing was a release branch originating from an upgrade branch (7.3.8 to 7.4.3) which had already been thoroughly tested and merged back. All was fine until I started testing the release branch!
So yea, once i'd tweaked my applicationHost.config so I could spin up a new instance in IISExpress, I normally clear out all the cached crap and clear out the browser caches too and that's when I started getting blank panels.
No build, rebuild or further attempts at clearing stuff out seemed to work. I can only assume that something very weird happened in the nuget file restore in this particular branch because a nuget -reinstall of UmbracoCms was the only way I could get things working again.
Yet another "umbraco upgrade" gotcha!
Got to love them!
This project has gone from to 7.4.3 and has finally reached the end of its useful life. It's being completely replaced this year.
In that time i've seen the works!
is working on a reply...