Yikes! To tell you the truth, it sounds painfully messy!
Even if a re-install was successful, the IDs in the cmsPropertyType table would be wrong - hence the "No node exists with id ...".
I do have a suggestion... I haven't tried this myself - so no guarantees! Depending on how comfortable you are with SQL, here is a suggestion.
Remember to back-up your database first!!!
First, get the nodeId of the document-type. Either hover over it in the back-office GUI, or do it in SQL:
SELECT nodeId FROM cmsContentType WHERE alias = 'ContentPage'
Then take that nodeId to get the list of properties for that document-type:
SELECT * FROM cmsPropertyType WHERE contentTypeId = 1234
In the recordset you should see a reference to the property for the Google Analytics data-type (the one with the nodeId of "10351").
Delete that row. Now try to view the document-type in the back-office GUI ... hopefully it will load.
The downside is that there will be orphaned rows in the cmsPropertyData table ... depending on how many content/document nodes you have, try something like this:
SELECT * FROM cmsPropertyData WHERE propertytypeid = 10351
Like I say its a long shot... so if you aren't comfortable with SQL and/or playing with the database, don't do it.
Hmmmm, I may have some SQL scripts that may be of use, as this is effectivley what my master doc type switcher project does (Swapping one data type to another of the same type).
If you've not solved it, I'll try and pull them out tomorrow morning.
First off, backup your database before you try any of this.
Now, If you want google analytics back, reinstall the google analytics package, then in your DB run the following SQL, to find the new id of the data type
SELECT dt.nodeId FROM cmsDataType dt inner join umbracoNode n on n.id = dt.nodeId WHERE n.[text] = 'INSERT_DATA_TYPE_NAME_HERE'
This should give you the new node ID of the data type, then you should be able to run this statement to convert your old properties (Don't forget to change the placeholder NEW_ID to the new id from statement 1, and OLD_ID to the old data type id):
UPDATE cmsPropertyType SET dataTypeId = NEW_ID WHERE pt.dataTypeId = OLD_ID
If you want to get rid of the old data, you should be able to run the following statements:
DELETE FROM cmsContentVersion WHERE id in ( SELECT cv.id FROM cmsContentVersion cv inner join cmsPropertyData pd on pd.versionId = cv.VersionId inner join cmsPropertyType pt on pt.id = pd.propertytypeid WHERE pt.dataTypeId = OLD_ID )
DELETE FROM cmsPropertyData WHERE id in ( SELECT pd.id FROM cmsPropertyData pd inner join cmsPropertyType pt on pt.id = pd.propertytypeid WHERE pt.dataTypeId = OLD_ID )
This should then remove all data for that data type, and all properties which use that datatype.
(NB This is assuming that the properties were page properties. You may need different statements if you had macro properties)
PLEASE HELP uninstalled Goggle Analytics package in use
we have a site installation and i inadvertantly unistalled the google analytics package, the datatype of which is in use in several documents.
those documents wioll ow not load - what can i do?
is there any way i can reinstate the package and datatypes or remove the references to them??
Please help
can i loop through all nodes and doctypes removeing the field or tab?
Couldn't you just reinstall the pacakage?
no, i don't think so. i had used the datatype in some documents and now i get:
No node exists with id '10351'
on all those doctypes
Yikes! To tell you the truth, it sounds painfully messy!
Even if a re-install was successful, the IDs in the cmsPropertyType table would be wrong - hence the "No node exists with id ...".
I do have a suggestion... I haven't tried this myself - so no guarantees! Depending on how comfortable you are with SQL, here is a suggestion.
Remember to back-up your database first!!!
First, get the nodeId of the document-type. Either hover over it in the back-office GUI, or do it in SQL:
Then take that nodeId to get the list of properties for that document-type:
In the recordset you should see a reference to the property for the Google Analytics data-type (the one with the nodeId of "10351").
Delete that row. Now try to view the document-type in the back-office GUI ... hopefully it will load.
The downside is that there will be orphaned rows in the cmsPropertyData table ... depending on how many content/document nodes you have, try something like this:
Like I say its a long shot... so if you aren't comfortable with SQL and/or playing with the database, don't do it.
Good luck, Lee.
Hmmmm, I may have some SQL scripts that may be of use, as this is effectivley what my master doc type switcher project does (Swapping one data type to another of the same type).
If you've not solved it, I'll try and pull them out tomorrow morning.
Ok, here is what I've come up with.
First off, backup your database before you try any of this.
Now, If you want google analytics back, reinstall the google analytics package, then in your DB run the following SQL, to find the new id of the data type
This should give you the new node ID of the data type, then you should be able to run this statement to convert your old properties (Don't forget to change the placeholder NEW_ID to the new id from statement 1, and OLD_ID to the old data type id):
If you want to get rid of the old data, you should be able to run the following statements:
This should then remove all data for that data type, and all properties which use that datatype.
(NB This is assuming that the properties were page properties. You may need different statements if you had macro properties)
I hope this helps.
Many thanks
Oops, missed a final delete statement. Run this last as part of the "if you want to delete the old data" sequence.
FROM cmsPropertyType
WHERE dataTypeId = OLD_ID
Many thanks
thanks so much Matt
out of desperation last night i had got the first part done, converting the datatype to textstring.
all seems well.
i was at a bit of a loss as to how to cleanse the orphaned references, so i will try your last bits later.
again, many thanks.
lesson learned: never touch the backend when too tired, never uninstall packages without having a sleep beforehand :)
is working on a reply...