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  • sperr0w 48 posts 81 karma points
    Aug 03, 2009 @ 07:31

    Commerce4Umbraco - Error while deleting product

    Hi all!

    When I try to delete product from admin section of umbraco, I have  error after I press OK button:

    The server method 'Delete' failed with the following error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException-- Cant load file or assembly "file:///D:\UmIntegrator\umbraco 4.0.1 commerce\umbraco\presentation\bin\CommerceForUmbraco.adminSection..dll" or one of depended components. Cant find file.


    I think, is because name of assembly of Umbraco have two dot (CommerceForUmbraco.adminSection..dll). How can I fix it?


  • sperr0w 48 posts 81 karma points
    Aug 03, 2009 @ 12:00
  • sperr0w 48 posts 81 karma points
    Aug 04, 2009 @ 06:08

    I solve this problem... Error come because while install Commerce package in umbraco/config/create/UI.xml

    assembly for delete method was with dot...

    But after I fix this problem, deletion still not work... When I press OK, none hides, but after I reload page, "deleted" node comes again...

  • sperr0w 48 posts 81 karma points
    Aug 04, 2009 @ 13:06

    Droduct cant be deleted because In Commerce for Umbraco project Delete product Method there is no delte action. To delete product  using admin section is necessary to add Product.Delete(_parent_D); in Delete() method of ProductTasks class (CommerceTasks.cs). Then recompile project and put assembly to Umbraco bin folder.


    But there is still errorrs while deleting Manufacturers, also there is no delete menu item on Categories.

    Also I find that macros, that creates category list is not work.

    Also I dont know why we need catalog and category list content pages ( if I create link to this pages on home page, they dont work)

    Also I find that dont work xslt Macros CategoryList and there is no macros for Manufacturerlist.xslt.

  • sperr0w 48 posts 81 karma points
    Aug 04, 2009 @ 13:06

    To be contunied ...

  • sperr0w 48 posts 81 karma points
    Aug 07, 2009 @ 06:37

    To add Delete context menu item for Category u need to add this actiopn in treelist class for categories. In the 1.0 beta defined only refresh action by default.

    About macroces: There is file in config directory: xsltExtensions.config. u need to change this file by hand after u install pack to attach extension. ( u need to change alias to c4u and also u need to change type.

    Also In contet U need to apply templates to catalog and category list content pages.

    Also In CategoryList.xslt u need to change <a> tag. in href attr u need to set CategoryName instead CategoryID.

    Also after I create delete actions for category and manufacturer, if some product conected to this category or manufacturer, I cant delite this category because I find foreing key exception. Now this is my main problem.


  • Roel 151 posts 305 karma points
    Aug 07, 2009 @ 07:20

    In case you didn't know yet, Paul Sterling is your man, he created the Commerce4Umbraco package.

  • sperr0w 48 posts 81 karma points
    Aug 07, 2009 @ 09:39

    I know it. I just want to describe all problems that i find after I install local pack. About Paul ... I connected to him, but hi answer me no very often and I need to complete my commerce project in short time...

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