i just tried the designit gallery package, all very smooth, until the lightboxing tries to happen. I'm getting no js output on my source for the gallery... i've got head id=head1 runat=server as you would expect, but am getting no further - any ideas?
thumbnails are rendered and the css line is output. i'm using the compression module as well if that makes a difference?
I'm getting the same thing. i'm wondering if its down to a clash of javascript. i'm also using Sifr and not sure if thats using jquery or the other one
A full solution to this problem is to make sure you include the <form runat="server"></form> tags in your template. That way the code will be able to render all the necessary javascript for you.
designit gallery package - no js being output
i just tried the designit gallery package, all very smooth, until the lightboxing tries to happen. I'm getting no js output on my source for the gallery... i've got head id=head1 runat=server as you would expect, but am getting no further - any ideas?
thumbnails are rendered and the css line is output. i'm using the compression module as well if that makes a difference?
I'm getting the same thing. i'm wondering if its down to a clash of javascript. i'm also using Sifr and not sure if thats using jquery or the other one
i had the same problem. Then i looked at the code from http://umbraco.designit.com/gallery-package and realised that the template is missing some code.
<script src="/scripts/Designit.Gallery/jquery.lightbox-0.5.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Hope this will help you (if you havn´t allready found out ;-))
In case anyone else is as thick headed as me:)
This is what worked for me:
<%@ Master Language="C#" MasterPageFile="/masterpages/Master.master" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
<asp:content ContentPlaceHolderId="BodyContent" runat="server">
<script src="/scripts/Designit.Gallery/jquery.lightbox-05.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/scripts/Designit.Gallery/jquery.lightbox-0.5.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<umbraco:Macro folderId="[#Gallery]" ThumbWidth="100" ThumbHeight="100" LightBoxWidth="600" LightBoxHeight="600" Alias="Designit.Gallery" runat="server"></umbraco:Macro>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$('#diGallery a').lightBox();
I found the final solution here:
A full solution to this problem is to make sure you include the <form runat="server"></form> tags in your template. That way the code will be able to render all the necessary javascript for you.
is working on a reply...