I am building a catalogue of products. Each product will have 3 areas: Overview, Details and Pricing. I would like to be able to fill all this information on a single node, with each area in a different tab.
How can I do this and have a different url for each area? Like below:
You could look at adding a url rewrite rule to into the /config/UrlRewriting.config file for your three alternatives, having them point back to /products/prod1.aspx, this would probably be simplier than adding alternative Urls for each node
You could use alternate templates. Create one template for area and then modify the url in the xslt or create a new method in the library which generates the alternate template for you.
Thank you for your reply. I think you are on the right path with this. I am, however, quite new to umbraco. Can you explain where I can extend the library? It may be easier for me to modify the XSLT, can you give me an example?
Single Node with Mutiple URLs
Hi Guys,
I am building a catalogue of products. Each product will have 3 areas: Overview, Details and Pricing. I would like to be able to fill all this information on a single node, with each area in a different tab.
How can I do this and have a different url for each area? Like below:
The reason for this is to make it much easer on the user to create a single product, without having to create 3 nodes below it.
Thanks in Advance.
Hi Tomas,
You could look at adding a url rewrite rule to into the /config/UrlRewriting.config file for your three alternatives, having them point back to /products/prod1.aspx, this would probably be simplier than adding alternative Urls for each node
You could use alternate templates. Create one template for area and then modify the url in the xslt or create a new method in the library which generates the alternate template for you.
You might want to skip the overview and just use the normale template for it.
Thank you for your reply. I think you are on the right path with this. I am, however, quite new to umbraco. Can you explain where I can extend the library? It may be easier for me to modify the XSLT, can you give me an example?
After a bit of googling, I understand what you are explaining now.
Any {node}/{templateAlias}.aspx works out of the box and selects the template based on that template alias. Excellent. I love Umbraco.
The above post is a killer tip! :) Sweet, didn't know about this! (i'd thumbs up you, but I don't have enough karma yet!)
Yep nice tip :) no messing with config files, and sperate templates for each - ideal.
For completeness, here is part of the XSLT I used to achieve the multiple pages per node.
is working on a reply...